
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

City RFP Review Committee Recommends The Keys - Mayor and Board Approval Likely By August

George Wenschhof

The secretive review of the proposals for the use of city owned Harry Grove Stadium have concluded with current tenant "The Frederick Keys" receiving the recommendation.

The other bidder, Frederick Atlantic, LLC expressed disappointment when they heard the news they had not received the highest ranking from the proposals submitted to the City of Frederick.

In a press release sent by Frederick Atlantic LLC, Managing Member Jack Lavoie said "We were not provided with the identity of any members of the selection committee, any detailed rankings or evaluations of the two proposals, nor were we asked to appear at any meetings of the selection committee." Lavoie added, "In the interest of open government and due process, we will all monitor and await the next steps and final actions of our elected officials—The Board of Aldermen and Mayor McClement-- in this matter."

Lavoie concluded with, "We remain hopeful and upbeat as to the final chapters of this process for the City of Frederick, and regardless of this immediate decision, we have all played a substantive role in charting a bright future for Minor League Baseball within the Frederick Community over the next generation."

The issuance of an Request For Proposals (RFP) from The City of Frederick came about after negotiations of an extension of the lease of Harry Grove Stadium between The Keys and city staff broke down. The existing annual yearly rate of $30,000 being a major sticking point.

The Frederick Keys, a single-a affiliate of the Baltimore Orioles, immediately began a "Save The Keys" campaign.

One argument against Frederick Atlantic LLC, is they would field an expansion team who would play in the Independent Atlantic League.

City staff informed me early in the RFP review process they would not release the names of the individuals serving on the review committee until after the recommendation had been made. They did not want the members to be exposed to any undue influence or pressure.

Apparently, what happens now is The Keys have won the right to negotiate a lease with The City of Frederick, with the lease subject to approval by the mayor and board of aldermen.

It is doubtful details of the proposals submitted by both bidders will be released until after final approval is granted.

Stay Tuned...

4:30 PM ET Update - in a telephone conversation with city administrator Josh Russin, he informed me he hoped to have the lease negotiations with The Keys completed and presented to the mayor and board in a City Workshop meeting to be scheduled in June. Mr. Russin will be assisted by city attorney Sandra Nichols in the final lease negotiations with The Keys.

At the city workshop, details of the two Bids received for use of Harry Grove Stadium, will be provided to the public along with the names of the city staff who served on the RFP review committee. Russin felt the final approval at a mayor and board meeting would come no later than August.


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