
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Mitt Romney Image Building On NBC -
latest attempt to "connect" with voters by the Republican presidential hopeful - it just does not work.

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Karzai Warns NATO -
the president of Afghanisatn; Hamid Karzai wants NATO to cease raids on Aghan homes in search of insurgents. His statements further illustrate the tough balancing act the U.S. has in staying in Afghanistan. Karzai, without the support of the U.S. would not even be in power at this point. has more here.

Meanwhile, Americans are growing weary of the war in Afghanistan and the cost of the war weighs heavily as consideration is underway to withdraw troops. The Washington Post has a good read here.


House Republicans To Hold Symbolic Debt Ceiling Vote -
today, to make a point, they will hold a vote on a measure that would increase the debt ceiling by 2.4 Trillion. No corresponding spending cuts will be included in the measure they will then vote against. has more here.

Seems a little childish and a waste of time.


Palin in Gettysburg on Day Two of "One Nation" Tour -
after a dust up from upstaging the Rolling Thunder event in D.C., Sarah Palin is in Gettysburg to tour the historic battlefields. Rumors are she will end up in Philadelphia with a photo shoot by the Liberty Bell. has more here.


Homes Prices Drop in March -
another sign the economy is struggling to gain momentum. Home prices fell below their 2009 low as a high inventory and weak demand impacted sales. has more here.


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Monday, May 30, 2011

Young Given Carte Blanche

George Wenschhof

My immediate fear of the results from the county commissioner election last year in Frederick County, Maryland, has unfortunately been proven true. As I followed the election last year, I was disappointed that once again, Frederick county voters were subjected to a "growth" versus "no-growth" theme from the aspiring candidates.

I lamented on how this theme had dominated over the past twenty years and as a result, voters in Frederick County had suffered. My subsequent endorsements were aimed at an attempt to bring a balance board to office.
One, I believed Frederick County voters deserved.

The dramatic pendulum swings from one direction to the other every four to eight years have brought about instability, affecting everything from government services and economic development, to nonprofits who provide services to those in need.

The 2010 election followed four years in office of the so-called "Dream Team", a bipartisan group of four commissioners who fell into the "no-growth" category.

Knowing Blaine Young, who was leading the latest version of the "pro-growth" team,
would win big, due to the lack of strong candidates in the race, I choose to support Democrats Michael Kurtianyk and Linda Norris along with Republicans Paul Smith and Billy Shreve.

Although, Republicans would form a majority, I opined a balanced board would result.

While I was correct Young would win big, I underestimated his strength to carry three fellow "pro-growth" candidates into office with him.

Unfortunately, when the votes were counted, all Republicans were elected to the board, with David Gray being the lone wolf left from the previous anti-growth board. Gray has subsequently been regulated to taking up space at board meetings, his thoughts on issues totally dismissed.

Gray's attempts to raise the level of discussion on issues he is passionate about by holding separate meetings open to the public; have resulted in attendance by only a handful of far left wing activists. A sad picture to witness and one which supports my call for his defeat in last year's election.

Blaine Young, winning the most votes, has gone about making changes at lightning speed, since becoming president of the board.

The moves have been many; appointing a charter writing board, balancing the 3% budget deficit with draconian cuts to Head Start and non-profits, changes in county staff and department alignment, review of the controversial down zonings which took place during the previous board, privatization moves in county owned nursing homes, examining privatizing government services, reduction of fees charged to developers and adding prayer to the start of county meetings, are but some of the many changes made in less than six months.

Balancing the budget on the backs of needy children and seniors is not an action I will ever support. Cutting back funding to non profits during a time they are needed more than ever makes little sense.

The blitzkrieg assaults on Frederick County policies and procedures a result of Blaine Young being given carte blanche by the commissioners who rode his coattails into office; Billy Shreve, Paul Smith and Kirby Delauter.

Delauter, Shreve and Smith have taken the role of a devoted call in listener to Blaine Young's popular local radio talk show, never questioning what is being presented, or even offering a proposal of their own.

Delauter, who along with Young have made clear they are only serving one term in office, often expressing it in such a way; they should be honored by doing so. However, with only serving one term, there is no accountability to the voters and we are already seeing the destruction one can cause when there is no intent to run for another term. Promising to serve for only one term is hardly the pledge most voters want to hear from a candidate.

Adding further injury to voters is the state of Maryland has no recall provision for county commissioners.

Shreve and Smith, however, may wish to run for reelection and being a puppet to Young for four years will not endear or distinguish them to the voters when the 2014 election is held.

Blaine Young understands how to use the position he is in better than many who have served before him. However, his actions to date do not show the wisdom of reasonable and fair decisions, but rather, decisions based on reversing what the previous board had done.

Young is also showing he believes in the Republican Party mantra of government should be run like a business. Problem is, government is not a business and should never be run as such – It exists to provide services to all in a fair and equal manner at present and into the future, regardless of their status in life. Business exists to make a profit, and rightfully so.

The old saying "power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely" is one to keep in mind during the one term Blaine Young serves as president of the board. That is not to say Young will be corrupt, rather it is to point out too much power in the hands of one person is not what was intended in the county commissioner form of government.

Young understands in politics making moves early and quickly in one's term increases the odds of immediate success in those endeavors as well as the likelihood voters will forget by the time they go to the polls in three and one-half years.

As a result, at present, political opponents are on their heels, unable to mount a defense or present alternatives as the changes are happening so fast.

However, the actions taken by the board to date already ensures another destructive "growth" versus no-growth" election battle will take place in less than four years.

I believe we can do better. Frederick County voters deserve reasonable, fair, effective and balanced representation - They should demand it.


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Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Obama visits Joplin -
yesterday, President Obama promised aid to the community of Joplin, Missouri. The White House Blog has more here.


Palin Steals Thunder -
yesterday, Sarah Palin hopped on a motorcycle during the annual Rolling Thunder run in Washington. Some were upset she upstaged the event intended to honor veterans. has more here.

Palin kicks off her northeast bus tour today.


House To Vote To End Military Action in Libya -
this week, the House will take up a resolution proposed by Representative Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio). While the resolution is not expected to pass, the vote is expected to be close. Last week, in a little reported vote, the House narrowly defeated a bill to speed up the U.S. withdrawal in Afghanistan by a 215-204 vote. has more here.


Bail Out #2 For Greece? -
in a sign, the worldwide financial crisis is not over, the European Union is working on putting together another loan to help the country avoid defaulting. Last May, Greece took a 110 Euro loan from the European Union and is expected to receive another 65 Euro loan soon. has more here.


Prominent Republican Governors Begin Setting Up Health Care Exchanges -
as the Republican Party continues to bash health care reform and work toward repeal, some Republican Governors are moving forward to implement. Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels and Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour have both begun the process of setting up exchanges, which if not established by 2014, the federal government will do it for them. has more here.


Obama Administration Cracks down on Employers Hiring Undocumented Workers -
in a subtle move in efforts to introduce immigration reform. The NY Times has a good read here.

However, what is need is not piecemeal efforts such as the DREAM Act, but a comprehensive Immigration Reform Act passed by Congress, which addresses securing U.S. borders, creating a universal ID card, workplace enforcement, and a reasonable pathway to citizenship for the 11+ million undocumented immigrants in America.


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Sunday, May 29, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Obama To Tour Joplin, Missouri Today -
back from a six day European visit, the president will tour the area devastated by the tornado. The Washington Post has more here.


Dempsey to Be named New Chair of Joint Chief of Staffs Tomorrow
- widely reported last week, the president will make it official tomorrow at 10;00 AM at a White House announcement. Army general Martin Dempsey will replace Admiral Mike Mullen who is retiring the end of September. has more here.


Lockheed Martin Corp. Suffers Cyber Attack -
it happens to be the largest defense contractor in the United States. The State Department is saying the impact was minimal and is not commenting further. has more here.

This shows how vulnerable technology can be in today's business.


Voting Rights Under Fire By Republican Controlled State Legislatures -
once again, Republicans are saying the need exists to weed out fraudulent votes and in thirteen states have passed laws requiring voter identification, including a valid photo. Democrats say, it is just a new version of the "poll tax", or ways to restrict voting by minorities and young people.

The NY Times has a good read here.


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Saturday, May 28, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Obama Praises Polish Democracy -
during his two day visit to Poland, President Obama met with President Bronislaw Komorowski and confirmed his support of the U.S. missile shield to be deployed in their country and the U.S. reset relationship with Russia. has more here.


Giuliani Leads Republican Presidential Contenders in Latest Poll -
with no one catching on among the possible candidates, Rudi Giuliani leads a field of a dozen with 16%, followed by Mitt Romney with 15% and Sarah Palin with 13%.. has more here.


Will Pawlenty Emerge From Republican Primary? -
Charlie Cook of "The Cook Report" has an interesting read on the dynamics in the Republican presidential primary. With a lack of a dynamic candidate, he has former Minnesota governor Tim Pawlenty positioned well to win the Republican nomination. You can read his thoughts here.

With no leading candidate in the republican presidential sweepstakes, Texas Governor Rick Perry says he is now considering entering the fray. has more here.


Sunday Morning "Talking Heads" Lineup -
More talk on the budget and Medicare expected as well as the Democratic upset win in NY District 26 this week. NBC "Meet the Press" has Senators Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and Chuck Schumer (D-NY). Representatives eric Cantor (R-Va.) and Debbie Wasserman-Schultz (D-Fla.) are on CBS "Face The Nation". has a quick rundown in the video below.


Judge Lifts ban on Business Political Donations -
in the latest ruling on campaign financing after the Supreme Court 5-4 "Citizens United" decision. A federal judge in Virginia ruled a ban on political contributions from corporations to be unconstitutional. The NY Times has more here.

Campaign finance reform, anyone?


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Friday, May 27, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Hillary Clinton in Pakistan -
the Secretary of State is visiting to repair differences after the covert U.S. action inside Pakistan resulted in the death of Osama Bin Laden. She is joined by Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman Admiral Mike Mullen. has more here.

The visit comes as Pakistan announces it will allow U.S. forensic C.I.A. teams to further investigate the Bin Laden compound. The Washington Post has more here.


Russia Offers Mediation in Libya -
at the G-8 meeting in France, Russian President Demitry Medvedev said Gaddafi must go and offered to mediate. This offer comes after the G-8 pledged 20 Billion in aid to new Arab democracies. has more here.

Alabama Republican State Representative Switches to Democratic Party Over Law Aimed at Teachers -
Daniel Bowman, who just won a seat in the state legislature in November, has switched due to a law pushed by Republicans which weakens tenure for state teachers and makes it easier to fire them. has more here.

Democratic leaders view this switch which comes after the Democratic upset win in the NY Dist. 26 race as another sign Republican actions have been too draconian of late.


Patriot Act Extension Signed By Obama -
Congress waited until the last day to pass the extension, sending it to President Obama for signature. Obama, who is in Europe, was expected to approve the four year extension by electronic signature. has more here.


Palin To Begin Bus Tour in D.C. on Sunday -
the bus tour will head up the northeast coast and is entitled the "One Nation Tour". The plan is to visit historical sites which were pivotal in the development of the United States. ABC News has more here.

Let's hope she knows her history better than Representative Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.), who used what happened in Massachusetts with the "shot heard round the world" while in New Hampshire.

Regardless, the tour keeps her White House bid rumors alive and her money making machine going.


Mitt Romney to Announce June 2 -
the Republican front runner will make it official next Thursday, in New Hampshire. His organization and fund raising capabilities will make him tough to beat in the Republican Party battle for the presidential nomination. The Washington Post has more here.

However, the magical "it" that is needed for a candidate to win, Romney does not have and he can not beat President Obama.


Rick Santorium To Announce on June 6 -
the former Pennsylvania Senator will join the cattle call of candidates vying for the Republican Party nomination for president. Don't look to see him catch on. has more here.


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Thursday, May 26, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Ryan Budget Fails In Senate -
the 57-40 vote included five Republicans and came one day after the upset win for Democrats in the NY district 26 special election where Medicare became the issue. has more here.


Obama In France To Meet With G-8 Leaders -
This comes after a two days of meetings in Britain. President Obama is expected to have one on one meetings with Russian President Dimitry Medvedev and Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan. has more here.

Obama is to tour the tornado damaged areas in Missouri on Sunday.


Schultz Suspended After Calling Ingraham a "Right-Wing Slut" -
and so the heated rhetoric and defamatory language continues in politics. This time liberal MSNBC commentator Ed Schultz went too far when referring to fellow host Laura Ingraham and has been suspended for one week without pay. Schultz has since apologized for his remarks. The Washington Post has more here.


Lui Withdraws From Consideration For Circuit Court of Appeals -
after his nomination for Judge in the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals was filibustered in the senate. has more here.


Franken Wants Apps Privacy Policy -
Senator Al Franken (D-Minn.) wants apps made for iPhones, Androids and other devices to spell out they track a users location and why. has more here.


Serbian War Crimes Suspect Ratko Mladic Captured -
after 15 years of being on the run. He was accused of the mass murder of 8,000 Muslim men and boys from the Bosnian town of Srebrenica. The NY Times has more here.


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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Democrat Kathy Hochul Wins NY Dist 26 -
she beat Republican Jane Corwin handily, 48%-42%. This upset win for Democrats was a huge blow to Republican Representative Paul Ryan's (Wisc.) budget reduction plan to revamp Medicare. Medicare became the theme of the election and the results clearly show voters do not want the changes to Medicare proposed by Ryan. Chris Cillizza has more here.


Chrysler Repays Government 7.6 Billion Six Years Early - Democrats Gloat -
with the automobile industry showing positive signs of growth, Democrats are pointing to the auto-bail out by President Obama and the thousands of jobs created in Michigan and Ohio. Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney has been an early recipient of attacks, with Democratic operatives quick to point out his 2008 NY Times op-ed entitled "Let Detroit Go Bankrupt." has more here.


Charges Forthcoming Against John Edwards -
the Department of Justice has given the go ahead with criminal charges to be filed against the former presidential and vice president candidate. Violations of campaign finance law surround activities pertaining to the cover up of an affair Edwards had while running for president. A plea bargain is also still possible. has more here.


Yet Another Fiscal Summit Held Today -
voters are growing tiresome over the continuous talk, but lack of action on the federal budget deficit. Today, the Peter G. Peterson Foundation will host a bipartisan summit with former President Bill Clinton, Representative Paul Ryan (R-Wisc.) and more. You can watch the summit live here.


Democratic Leaders Concerned with Obama Pre-War 1967 Border Comments -
in spite of efforts by the White House to clarify what President Obama meant in his Middle East speech. The Israel-Palestine border issue is quickly becoming political fodder and a resolution with bipartisan support may be put forth in Congress to rebuff President Obama's comments. has more here.


Mubarak To Be Tried For Death Of Protesters -
the former president of Egypt, Hosni Mubarak, will face charges he conspired in the death of unarmed protesters. The death penalty could be imposed if he is found guilty. The NY Times has more here.


Palin Movie To Premier Next Month -
in, of all places, Iowa. For Palin lovers, this two hour feature film should satisfy their appetite. the release of the film will rekindle the talk that the former governor of Alaska will run for the Republican Party nomination for president. However, it is more likely, it is another sign, she is in it for the money. has more here.

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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

City RFP Review Committee Recommends The Keys - Mayor and Board Approval Likely By August

George Wenschhof

The secretive review of the proposals for the use of city owned Harry Grove Stadium have concluded with current tenant "The Frederick Keys" receiving the recommendation.

The other bidder, Frederick Atlantic, LLC expressed disappointment when they heard the news they had not received the highest ranking from the proposals submitted to the City of Frederick.

In a press release sent by Frederick Atlantic LLC, Managing Member Jack Lavoie said "We were not provided with the identity of any members of the selection committee, any detailed rankings or evaluations of the two proposals, nor were we asked to appear at any meetings of the selection committee." Lavoie added, "In the interest of open government and due process, we will all monitor and await the next steps and final actions of our elected officials—The Board of Aldermen and Mayor McClement-- in this matter."

Lavoie concluded with, "We remain hopeful and upbeat as to the final chapters of this process for the City of Frederick, and regardless of this immediate decision, we have all played a substantive role in charting a bright future for Minor League Baseball within the Frederick Community over the next generation."

The issuance of an Request For Proposals (RFP) from The City of Frederick came about after negotiations of an extension of the lease of Harry Grove Stadium between The Keys and city staff broke down. The existing annual yearly rate of $30,000 being a major sticking point.

The Frederick Keys, a single-a affiliate of the Baltimore Orioles, immediately began a "Save The Keys" campaign.

One argument against Frederick Atlantic LLC, is they would field an expansion team who would play in the Independent Atlantic League.

City staff informed me early in the RFP review process they would not release the names of the individuals serving on the review committee until after the recommendation had been made. They did not want the members to be exposed to any undue influence or pressure.

Apparently, what happens now is The Keys have won the right to negotiate a lease with The City of Frederick, with the lease subject to approval by the mayor and board of aldermen.

It is doubtful details of the proposals submitted by both bidders will be released until after final approval is granted.

Stay Tuned...

4:30 PM ET Update - in a telephone conversation with city administrator Josh Russin, he informed me he hoped to have the lease negotiations with The Keys completed and presented to the mayor and board in a City Workshop meeting to be scheduled in June. Mr. Russin will be assisted by city attorney Sandra Nichols in the final lease negotiations with The Keys.

At the city workshop, details of the two Bids received for use of Harry Grove Stadium, will be provided to the public along with the names of the city staff who served on the RFP review committee. Russin felt the final approval at a mayor and board meeting would come no later than August.


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Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Obama Cuts Ireland Visit Short -
due to the Iceland volcano ash cloud that is moving toward Europe and may impact air travel. The president is now in Britain meeting with Queen Elizabeth II and Prime Minister David Cameron today. The Washington Post has more here. has some highlights of the Ireland visit below.

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy


NY District 26 Special Election Today A Referendum on Medicare -
today, voters will decide on the issue Democrats have framed as the most important aspect of this election. The seat, normally a given for Republicans, now has Democrat Kathy Hochul leading in the polls by 6 points over Republican Jane Corwin. has more here.


Billions in Stimulus Went To Contractors Who Owe Taxes -
according to a report by the Government Accounting Office (GAO). Reportedly 24 Billion went to contractors who owe a combined 757 in back taxes. Look to see Republicans jump on this news. has more here.


Romney Widens Lead Among Republican Presidential Candidates -
in a CNN/WMUR poll of New Hampshire voters just three weeks before a Republican Presidential Candidate Debate. Romney had 32%, while no other candidate registered in double digits. has more here.


NATO Air Strikes Target Tripoli -
Moammar Gaddafi stubbornly remains in power as NATO has been unable to dislodge the leader. Britain and France announced they will deploy attack helicopters to allow for more accuracy within city warfare. You can read an update here.


Reid Splits with Obama Over Israel -
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) said, in a speech to IPAC, there should be no preconditions in peace negotiations between Palestine and Israel, opposing the discussion of pre-war 1967 borders. has more here.


Warren To Run For Senate? -
Elizabeth Warren is being considered by Democrats to run for Senate in Massachusetts against Republican Scott Brown. They realize having her confirmed as the head of the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau would be a tough fight. The NY Times has more here.


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Monday, May 23, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Obama in Ireland -
in the first stop of his Europe trip. He met with Irish Prime Minister Enda Kenny. President Obama will then head to Britain, France and Poland as part of the six day planned trip. has more here.


Pawlenty Makes it Official


Cain Announces - But Who Is he? -
the former CEO of Godfather's Pizza announced Saturday he was running for the Republican Party nomination for president and nobody heard. In an attempt to increase his name recognition, Herman Cain appeared on Republican friendly "Fox News" yesterday. has more here.


Gingrich's $250,000 - $500,000 Tiffany's Line of Credit Raises Eyebrows -
Newt Gingrich is done before he got started in his bid for the republican Party nomination for president. After criticizing Representative Paul Ryan's (R-Wis.) deficit reduction plan, he was unable to explain his extravagant spend at Tiffany's jewelry store. When asked, he said, in part "Well, go talk to Tiffany's. All I'm telling you is we are very frugal. We, in fact, live within our budget. We owe nothing… "It's a - go talk to Tiffany's. It's a standard, no-interest account.”


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Sunday, May 22, 2011

Obama Says "U.S. Support of Israel Ironclad"

George Wenschhof

President Obama, addressing AIPAC today, dismissed the media controversy caused by his remarks during his Middle East speech earlier in the week. He further clarified his statement pertaining to a return of pre-war 1967 borders, by saying he pointed out the need for Palestine and Israel to mutually agree on land swaps. A position long held by the United States. CNN has an update below.

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Netanyahu Says Differences With Obama Exaggerated -
this comes after the Israeli prime Minister criticized President Obama for calling for a return to the pre-1967 war borders. This statement by Netanyahu comes right before President Obama is to deliver a speech to pro Israel lobby organization AIPAC. The NY Times has more here.


Daniels Out of the Running For GOP Presidential Nomination -
Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels said he will not run, using his wife and children as the excuse, saying "I love my country; I love my family more." has more here.

Many Republican strategists were hoping Daniels would run, thinking a moderate from the Midwest would be a formidable candidate. Republicans are left with a lackluster field of candidates with former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney the front runner.


Lagarde likely To Lead IMF -
with the arrest and resignation of Dominique Strauss-Kahn, French Finance Minister Christine Lagarde has emerged as the front runner for the position to head the International Monetary Fund. The Washington Post has more here.


War Powers Act Comes Into Play with Libya -
the act passed in 1973, requires Congressional approval of presidential military actions within sixty days and if not granted, military actions to end within the next thirty days.

Sixty days after beginning U.S. military involvement in Libya, President Obama has sent a letter to Congress, asking for approval. has more here.


Keep an Eye On NY District 26 Special Election -
political analysts are viewing this race as a possible referendum on Representative Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) budget deficit proposal which targets changes in Medicare. It has become a big campaign issue in this election, with Democrat Kathy Hochul leading Republican Jane Corwin by 4 points in the latest poll. Tons of outside money has been poured into this election which will be held Tuesday. Stay Tuned.. has more here.


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Saturday, May 21, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

President Obama To Begin Europe Trip -
on Monday, traveling to London with the First Lady on an official state visit. They will, of course, visit with the Queen. BBC News has more here.

After two days in Britain, President Obama will attend the G-8 meetings in France, followed by meetings in Poland. You can read more about the planned trip here.


Pawlenty To Make It Official Monday -
The former Governor of Minnesota will formally declare his candidacy for the Republican Party nomination for President in Iowa. has more here.


Biden To Resume Budget Deficit Talks Tuesday -
the 14.3 Trillion debt ceiling was technically reached May 16, but Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner has been using accounting measures to avoid a default. has more here.

Biden's meeting with senior Republican and Democratic congressional leaders comes after what appeared to be the collapse of meetings with the "Gang of Six" bipartisan senators after Tom Coburn (Ok.) said he was done negotiating.


Dempsey Likely To Be Next Chair of Joint Chiefs of Staff -
Admiral Michael Mullen is retiring this fall and the new Army Chief of Staff; General Martin Dempsey, is considered the front runner. has more here.


Steele To MSNBC? -
rumors have it the former chair of the Republican National Committee will be hired as a commentator for the news channel. You can read more here.


Sunday Morning "Talking Heads" Lineup -
Newt Gingrich appears on CBS "Face The Nation" a week after being critical of Representative Paul Ryan's (R-Wis.) budget deficit proposal. Ryan gets his chance to reply when he appears on NBC "Meet The Press". has a rundown of all the guests below.


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Obama Weekly Address

George Wenschhof

President Obama talks about the need for Congress to reform "No Child Left Behind" to help our schools thrive. He wants a rewrite of the federal education law and more local control and flexibility for schools.


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Republican Weekly Address

George Wenschhof

Senator Kay Bailey Hutchinson (R-Tex.) criticizes President Obama for now doing enough to aid domestic production of oil. Her comments come a week after President Obama, in his weekly address, called for the expansion of domestic oil production.


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Friday, May 20, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Netanyahu Rejects 1967 Borders Proposed By Obama -
Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will meet with President Obama and also address a joint session of Congress today. This comes after Obama delivered his Middle East speech yesterday in which he continued to call for a two state solution for Israel and Palestine. BBC News has more here.

The heavily nuanced speech covered many controversial issues. Obama stopped short of calling for UN recognition of Palestine as a state with pre 1967 six day war borders, which is what Palestine has been asking for from the UN. Instead, Obama called for mutually agreed upon land swaps moving toward the 1967 borders. President Obama was right to bring up the 1967 pre-war borders as a discussion point.

Remember, it was during vice-President Joe Biden's visit to Israel, a year ago, to announce proximity peace talks between Israel and Palestine, Israel announced new building permits for the West Bank. This was considered a slap to the U.S. efforts to broker peace and contributed to the proximity peace talks eventually breaking down. With the Netanyahu visit, the Obama speech was perhaps tit-for-tat.


Palin Remains Coy About Presidential Bid -
appearing on her favorite Fox News channel, she told Greta Van Sustren "she has the fire in her belly", but is concerned about the scrutiny one faces when they run for president - huh? The Daily Caller has more here.

She will be tempted as the GOP field is weak, but don't look to see her run. She is making plenty of money on the talk circuit.


Senate Republicans Block Liu Appointment -
President Obama had nominated Goodwin Liu for the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. The vote to break the filibuster was 52-43 and largely along party lines. has more here.


House Dems Want Warren Recess Appointment -
they want Elizabeth Warren to be appointed to lead the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau during Congressional recess to avoid a confirmation vote which would surely fail. Warren pushed for the inclusion of this agency in the Finance reform bill which was passed last year. Republicans opposed the creation of this agency. has more here.


Patriot Act Extended -
yesterday, in what was a fairly quiet move, Congressional leaders agreed to extend by four years provisions in the Patriot Act which helps the F.B.I. in it's counter terrorism and surveillance efforts. The NY Times has more here.


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Thursday, May 19, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Obama To Deliver Middle East Speech -
at the State Department at 11:40 AM ET. Dramatic changes are taking place in the region so all eyes will be on President Obama as he addresses issues in the Middle East. The NY Times has a good read here.

Perhaps, Obama will announce who he has chosen to replace Middle East Envoy George Mitchell who resigned after unsuccessful peace negotiations between Israel and Palestine.

Meanwhile, three bombs targeting Iraqi security forces exploded in the town of Kirkut, killing at least 25. You can read more here.


Netanyahu To Address U.S. Congress Tomorrow -
Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will speak to a joint session of Congress after meeting with President Obama. Israel has continued to build in the controversial West Bank, ending peace negotiations with Palestine. U.S. Middle East Envoy George Mitchell has resigned and his replacement has yet to be announced. has more here.


IMF Head Resigns -
after being arrested for sexual molestation of a NY City Hotel maid. Dominique Strauss-Kahn announced his resignation from prison. John Lipsky has been named acting director of the International Monetary Fund.

Kemal Dervis, Finance Minister of Turkey is the current favorite to replace Kahn. has more here.


Osama Bin Laden Audio Released -
supposedly taped within a month prior to his death. On the tape, Bin Laden encourages Muslims to fight corrupt rulers and western hegemony. has the audio and more here.


Huntsman Drumming Up Support in New Hampshire -
the former Republican Governor of Utah and U.S. Ambassador to China has a lot of ground to make up in his bid for the Republican Party presidential nomination. Chris Cillizza has more here.


Is Newt Done Just As He Gets Started? -
his negative comments directed toward Republican Representative Paul Ryan (Wis.) and subsequent retractions have likely dealt a fatal blow to Newt Gingrich's run for president. has a look at the disastrous first seven days since his official announcement, here.

Gingrich is considering a visit to the Sunday morning "Talking Heads" in an effort to rehabilitate himself - Just no visit to NBC "Meet The Press" where David Gregory nailed him last week. has more here.


Why Senate "Gang of Six" Budget Deficit Reduction Talks Failed -
seems Senators Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) and Tom Coburn (R-Ok.) reached an impasse when it came to reductions in Medicare leading to a heated exchange, followed by Coburn dropping out of the talks. has more here.

Keep an eye on the budget deficit negotiations taking place by Vice President Joe Biden.


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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Charter Board Election May Still Be Held

George Wenschhof

Just, when everyone thought all the bro-ha-ha had died down in regard to the appointment of the Frederick County Charter Board members, an appeal will be pursued by those who filed a petition to hold a special election.

To back up briefly, Frederick County Commissioners appointed nine members to a Charter Writing Board to write the governing document to change the form of government to charter, with the voters having the final say on the matter when the "yes" or "no" question would appear on the 2012 General Election ballot.

The Maryland state constitution allows for a registered Frederick County voter(s) to file a petition within 60 days of the commissioner appointment of the board members to force a special election for members of the board.

Two thousand verified signatures were needed and as most know now, the signatures turned in numbered 2915, but only 1741 were verified by the Frederick County Board of Elections, causing the effort for a special election to fail.

However, verification instructions to staff will now be challenged by the petitioners. About 50% of the signatures tossed out (584) were due to "name standards". You can view the categories for the rejections here.

The instructions given to board of elections staff when reviewing the petitions can be viewed here. Pay particular attention to page four as this deals with validation of signatures. Essentially, the printed and signed name or combination thereof must match the state voter registration file.

This is where the main challenge will be most likely directed. If names were rejected due to failure to include or exclude a middle initial, this action will be most likely overturned, regardless of whether the instructions were available for review by the petitioners, prior to beginning the effort.

Much will be said, from supporters from both sides of the issue, but regardless of the issue, a fairness doctrine will likely prevail when determining the intent of a voter to be heard.

I am reminded of the Senate race in Alaska last year when Joe Miller, with tea party support, upset incumbent Lisa Murkowski in the Republican primary. Murkowski went on to run and win a write-in campaign. The Miller campaign initially challenged the legitimacy of many of the write-ins as state instructions called for the name to be spelled correctly. However, the Miller campaign eventually realized the fruitlessness of their endeavor, ended their legal challenge and conceded.

It has been reported, former Frederick County Commissioner John "Lenny" Thompson will argue the case, pro-bono, on behalf of the petitioners. He will seek Frederick County Circuit Court Judicial review.

Unfortunately, the move by the board of county commissioners to begin the process to put the issue of changing to a charter form of government in front of the voters to decide has been met with stiff resistance, mostly from supporters of those candidates who lost in last year's election.

For those of us who have long championed a change to charter government, this is an unfortunate series of events. I was encouraged when the appointed board decided to take my advice of reaching out to the community and involving voters in the writing of the charter. Many areas of the charter need full engagement by citizens, such as whether to elect council members at large or by district and the relationship between the county executive and the council.

This engagement, I believe would serve a two fold purpose in educating the voter on what charter government is and also produce a document which has a greater chance of passing when voters weigh in during the 2012 General Election.

Instead of having a meaningful discussion on the many areas which make up charter government, the early arguments from supporters of both sides have centered along the old and tiresome "growth" versus "no-growth" theme.

I have written previously, I was not convinced to sign the petition for a special election. However, I respect their right to do so.

I also respect the right of those who sign a petition to be heard. If judicial review overturns the Frederick County board of elections decision, it will not be due to negligence of staff, but rather the inappropriateness of the review instructions they were provided.

As, the appointed charter board is continuing to meet, it would be wise for Mr. Thompson to request the court to halt further meetings until a decision is made on whether a special election will be held. If, court review determines a special election will be held, the appointed charter writing board should not meet until after the election.

My hope is for a quick judicial review on this issue. If, a special election is held, so be it.

Then, let's get down to writing a charter with input from the public.


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Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Representative Giffords to Receive Cranial Implant Today -
months after being shot in the head, Gabrielle Giffords will receive a plastic implant to replace s portion of her skull which was removed to deal with the resulting swelling on the brain. Giffords watched her astronaut husband Mark Kelly blast off in the shuttle Endeavor on Monday. The Arizona Republic has more here.


No Front-Runner for Republican Presidential Wannabes -
the latest Gallup poll reflects what most already know - the republicans have a weak field vying for their nomination for president. Mitt Romney leads with 20%, followed by Sarah Palin - 18%, and Newt Gingrich - 11%. none of the others reached double digits in support. has more here.

Minnesota Representative Michele Bachmann (R), a tea party favorite, is now saying she is moving up her announcement from June. More here.

Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels may be the savior for the GOP - has more here.


Senate Republicans Block Bill To Repeal Oil Subsidies -
the bill was not able to overcome a Republican filibuster by a vote of 52-48, with 60 needed to have the vote come to the floor for a full vote. The bill would have ended the billions in tax subsidies oil companies currently receive. has more here.


Tom Coburn Pulls Out of "Gang of 6" -
so much for this bipartisan effort to reach agreement on deficit reduction and the debt ceiling. The Oklahoma Republican Senator stopped meeting with the group after disagreement of cuts to Medicare. has more here.


Maryland County Executive Pleads Guilty to Taking Bribes -
Jack Johnson (D), in a plea deal with prosecutors, agreed to plead guilty of accepting more than $400,000. Sentencing will come at a later date. The Washington Post has more here.


Maryland Governor O'Malley to Sign Incinerator Bill -
Martin O'Malley (D) angered environmentalists when he issued a statement yesterday saying he will sign a bill passed by the Maryland General Assembly providing financial incentives to waste-to-energy facilities which produce energy by burning trash. The Baltimore Sun has more here.

This bill signing also gives an added boost for supporters of a waste-to-energy facility scheduled to be built in Frederick County, Maryland, after a long protracted battle from environmentalists.


Eyes On Obama Middle East Speech Tomorrow -
what does President Obama say as the Arab uprising takes place and with the Israeli/Palestinian peace talks in limbo. A major issue in the Palestinian/Israel peace talks is the borders of a two state solution with Palestine asking for recognition from the UN of the pre-1967 six day war, borders. The NY Times has a good read here.


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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Schwarzenegger Fathered Child with Housekeeper -
seems to be the reason Maria moved out. CNN has more below.


Romney Raises 10.25 Million In One Day - an impressive figure intended to show his force in the Republican race for the presidential nomination. Supporters called donors from a convention center in Las Vegas during a "National Call Day" for Mitt Romney. The Boston Globe has more here.


Palin Continues To Tease -
most quiet in the Republican presidential sweepstakes, she mailed 400,000 direct mail pieces out, asking for, what else - money! has more here.

Palin has to see what everyone else is seeing - the Republican presidential field is weak.


7 Out of 10 Americans Hurt By Gas Prices -
according to a poll released by Gallup. This will impact travel plans for this summer for many Americans. has more here.

Count me in on those feeling the pinch of high gas prices. It seems every time I visit the grocery store, the prices have risen on the goods I buy.

Today, a group of Senators, led by Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) will ask the FTC to investigate price fixing. has more here.


Last Budget Reduction Compromise Increased Spending - Wow! -
the Congressional budget Office has released a report that shows the 38.5 Billion spending cut agreement actually increases spending for the rest of this fiscal year by 3.2 Billion. has more here.

Meanwhile, the nation debt ceiling was reached yesterday with no agreement to raise in sight. Americans are tiring of the rhetoric and want results instead.


Thompson To Run For Wisconsin Senate -
Representative Paul Ryan (R) said yesterday he will not run for the seat to be vacated by Democrat Herb Kohl. Instead, it looks like former Governor Tommy Thompson(R) will run. has more here.


NATO and Pakistan Forces Exchange Fire -
NATO helicopters killed two Pakistan soldiers when they fired upon a army border post in Waziristan yesterday. Unmanned U.S. Drones have been flying and firing missiles in the area. However, this is the first time a NATO helicopter has invaded Pakistan space. The Washington Post has more here.


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Monday, May 16, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

President Obama To Visit Memphis -
to personally tour the flood damage. Later. he will give the commencement address at Booker T. Washington High School.

After, returning to Washington, he will attend two DNC fundraisers tonight.


Obama Strong in Politico/George Washington University Poll -
"the economy and jobs" and "government spending and the budget deficit" are the top issues. 52% favor President Obama's handling of the job. has more here.


Will Trump Run? -
it appears a decision will be forthcoming soon by Donald Trump after meeting with his NBC producers of "Celebrity Apprentice". look to see the decision be "No". The Politico/GW poll referenced above shows more than two-thirds believe trump has no chance of being elected president. I agree. has more here.


NY District 26 Special Election a Harbinger for 2012? -
Democrat Kathy Hochul, Republican Jane Corwin and Independent Jack Davis face off next Tuesday in what is becoming a referendum on Representative Paul Ryan's (R-Wisc.) proposal to change Medicare. Republicans are fighting back with accusations Hochul is a puppet of Nancy Pelosi (D-Calf.). Chris Cillizza has more here.


Israel/Palestine Violence Erupts -
on the date Israel was established in 1948, clashes took place on three borders of Jordan, Lebanon and Syria as Palestinians protested. has more here.

Wonder who will be the replacement for U.S. Middle east Envoy George Mitchell?

President Obama will deliver a major Middle East speech at the State Department on Thursday. Tomorrow, Obama will meet with King Abdullah of Jordan and on Friday, will meet with Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. has more here.


British Commander Calls for Expansion of Effort in Libya -
a familiar refrain from military commanders who find themselves involved in conflicts such as the one in Libya. Fearing a stalemate, General Sir David Richards wants to bomb the country's infrastructure. The NY Times has more here.

Remember what former U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell said about Iraq; "if you break it, you own it."


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Sunday, May 15, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Mike Huckabee Not Running -
the former Republican Governor of Arkansas and a currently a FOX commentator, says he will not run for president. He was consistently polling among the top three potential contenders. A Evangelical favorite, speculation already begins as to who will receive their vote. Mark Halperin of has his take here.

Meanwhile, President Obama's approval rating has gone up since the death of Osama Bin Laden and the Republican field of potential presidential candidates remains weak.


U.S. Middle East Envoy George Mitchell to Step Down -
Mitchell becomes the latest of a long line of U.S. negotiators who have become frustrated with the effort to obtain a lasting peace agreement between Israel and Palestine. AP has more here.

His efforts of brokering "proximity peace talks" failed as Israel continued developments on the controversial West Bank. The recent unity agreement between factions in Palestine also has been met with resistance from Israel.

President Obama is expected to make a speech on Thursday pertaining to Israel continuing settlement development. Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will visit Washington on Friday. stay tuned...


International Monetary Fund Director Arrested -
in what appears to be the latest in an never ending series of scandalous episodes surrounding high profile personalities. Dominique Straus-Kahn was arrested on a plane ready for take off at Kennedy International Airport and charged with sexually attacking a maid in a downtown New York City Hotel. The NY Times has more here. And, so it goes...


HUD's Public Housing Debacle -
The Washington Post is reporting hundreds of millions designated for public housing sits idle or has never been used. Over 700 projects with a total of 400 million have set idle for years. You can read more here.

Accountability in government should be standard operating procedure and it is these types of horrific snafus that give rise to those who oppose government spending on social issues.


Kohl Resigns - Ryan to Run? -
for the Wisconsin Senate seat. Democrat Herb Kohl will not run for reelection and it is expected that Representative Paul Ryan (R) will announce he will run for the vacant seat. Ryan has received national attention for his proposal to reduce the national deficit for 6 Trillion over the next decade. has more here.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Sunday morning "Talking Heads" Lineup

George Wenschhof

NBC "Meet The Press" - Newt Gingrich appears after making it official he is running for the Republican nomination for president in 2012.

CBS "Face The Nation" - House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio)

Fox News Sunday -
Representative Ron Paul (R-Tex.) who also announced he is running for president - the third time. Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee (R), a FOX commentator, who is among the leaders in recent polls for the Republican nomination, is also a guest.

Senators Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) and Jon Kyl (R-Tex.) also appear.

CNN "State of The Union" - Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and Representative Paul Ryan (R-Wis.).

Retired Admiral Dennis Blair and former U.S. ambassador to the U.N. John Negroponte also appear.

ABC "This Week" - South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley (R). Sheila Bair, chairwoman of F.D.I.C. will also be a guest.

Sunday evening on CBS "Sixty Minutes", Defense Secretary Robert Gates is the guest and you can be sure the raid in Pakistan which resulted in the death of Osama bin Laden will be the main topic of discussion. has a quick video below highlighting the guests and what the conversations will most likely cover.

Obama Weekly Address

George Wenschhof

President Obama discusses his long term goal of reducing dependency on foreign oil and lays out his strategy for expanding safe and responsible domestic oil production.

Republican Weekly Address

George Wenschhof

Representative Martha Roby (Ala.) talks about how Republicans are willing to discuss everything except tax hikes during the debate over raising the debt limit.

Special Election Effort For Charter Board Fails

George Wenschhof

In a letter to the Frederick County Board of Commissioners, Election Director Stuart Harvey informed them the petition effort to call for a special election had failed.

The total certified signatures by the Frederick County Board of Elections numbered 1,741, which turned out to be 259 short of the required 2,000 signatures. A total of 2,915 signatures were reviewed by elections staff.

The effort to change the form of government to charter in Frederick County started off in a bumpy fashion as some questioned the make up of the charter writing board appointed by the Board of County Commissioners.

The state constitution allows for a petition challenge to an appointed charter writing board if 2,000 verified signatures are obtained within sixty days from the appointment. If, successful, a special election would then be held with voters determining who would serve of the charter writing board from among the nine who were appointed and the eight who appeared on the petition.

The main argument for a special election was the appointed board had a heavy weight of representation from the development field. This argument, following what was a "growth" versus "no-growth" major theme in last year's county commissioner election, won by a majority of what some would classified as developer friendly candidates.

The main argument against the special election was the purported cost of $250,000.

I opined throughout the process, I was not opposed to the effort as the state constitution provided an opportunity for voters to petition for a special election to determine the make up of the charter writing board. However, I added I had not been convinced to sign the petition.

The changing of the manner in which the community you reside, is governed, is indeed a major change and should be treated as such. Providing an opportunity for a special election showed the wisdom of those who wrote that particular section of the Maryland constitution.

You can see a summary of the categories which led to rejection by the election staff here. The highest number of rejected signatures (584) was based on the name standard. I wrote earlier in the week, the name must match how it appears on the state voter registration.

One area of contention, was the listing at the top of the petition page of the required mention of "Maryland Constitution Article XI-A, Section 1A". In the letter sent to the commissioners from Mr. Harvey, he spells out how they resolved what appeared to be a lack of clarity to the petitioners prior to when they were advised what was needed. As a result, all signatures were verified and only pages which omitted the reference after the advice was given were tossed out. These disqualified signatures did not add up to enough to have failed the effort.

I believe petitioners still have the opportunity to seek a stay of the election staff decision and force another review of the signatures which were submitted.

However, with a shortfall of 259 signatures, it would be tough to make up in a review. At this point, it would be prudent for those who wish certain sections of the charter be written in a particular manner, that they take advantage of the community outreach being conducted by the appointed charter writing board

How the county executive and county council are balanced, whether council members are elected at large or by districts are just two of the many areas of the charter, members of the Frederick county community should weigh in on. Let you preference be heard and encourage others to do the same.

When the charter is complete, a yes or no question will appear on the ballot in the 2012 general election and the voters will have the final say on the matter, as it should be.

Stay Tuned...