
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Ground Troops Ready For Deployment in Libya -
unfortunately, what I have been predicting from the beginning of the U.S. led U.N. intervention is about to take place. The European Union is set to send 1000 troops into Libya to help the rebels under attack in Misrata. Their mission? - to protect humanitarian supplies. Of course, if fired upon, they can defend themselves. And, so it continues.... The Guardian has more here.


Obama Approval Rating Drops to 47% -
the Washington Post/ABC News poll has the president 21 points lower than he was one month into his presidency. In regard to the economy, 57% disapprove of the way the president is handling the economy.

Fortunately for President Obama, less than 50% of respondents were satisfied with the Republican candidates for president. Mitt Romney led with 16%, followed by Donald Trump with 8%. The Washington Post has more here.


Democrats Recruiting Sanchez For Senate in Texas -
the retired former commander of U.S. forces in Iraq unfortunately come with baggage. Ricardo Sanchez is being recruited to run for the seat to be vacated by the retiring Republican Senator Kay Bailey Hutchinson. The Latino/Hispanic population is significant in Texas and Democratic operatives believe Sanchez would be a plus in the state.

The drawback? Sanchez was forced to resign in the aftermath of the Abu-Ghraib scandal. Talking Points Memo has more here.


Standard and Poor Weighs in on Budget Fight -
in what should be hardly a surprise, the warning is the U.S. AAA Bond rating is at risk if Congress does not act to reduce the 14.3 trillion deficit. The initial reaction by Republican and Democratic leaders has been to point fingers at each other - another expected response and one voters are tiring of... has more here.


U.S. likely to Lose money in GM Bail Out -
the initial public offering of stock has not gone as well as hoped and the government would need to sell it's 500 million shares at $53 to break even. The current share price is $30. The Wall Street Journal has more here.


Former Maryland Governor William Donald Schaefer Dies -
best described as one of the more colorful characters in politics, Schaefer was mayor of Baltimore, Maryland Governor and state Comptroller. The Baltimore Sun has a good read here.


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