
Saturday, April 16, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Sunday Morning "Talking Heads" Lineup -
It is all about the nation's budget with Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner and former Federal Reserve Chair Alan Greenspan appearing on several shows. Also making appearances will be Republican Paul Ryan (Wisc.) who will talk about his 6 trillion reduction plan. has a quick rundown below.


House Passes Ryan Budget Plan -
yesterday, the vote was 235-193 with no Democrats voting in favor of the 6 trillion budget reduction plan. The bill which includes drastic revisions in medicaid and medicare has no chance of passage in the Senate. has more here.


Obama Says he Will Not Abide To Czar Section in Budget Agreement -
the recently negotiated budget deal for the remainder of this fiscal year was signed into law by the president yesterday. However, he added a "signing statement" that essentially says he will not abide by the section in the bill that defunded Czars he had appointed. The appointments were made to get around the required Senate confirmation of senior White House advisers. has more here.


Job Training programs Cut in budget Agreement -
in the negotiated agreement for the balance of this fiscal year, job training programs were cut by 870 million. However, members from both sides of the aisle have been critical of the job training programs currently in place and questions abound as to their effectiveness. The Washington Post has more here.

Since the financial crisis began and unemployment soared, I have been a proponent for a federal funded public service employment program which would put many of the current unemployed to work immediately and am at a loss to explain why no effort has been made by Congress to do so.


Battle for Libya Continues -
no sign from Gaddafi he is ready to step down as government forces continue to attack rebel held cities across the country. Meanwhile, dissension within NATO continues and the clamor for "boots on the ground" grows. has more here.


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