
Saturday, April 9, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Last Minute Budget Agreement Reached -
as I predicted Thursday morning, a one week continuing resolution was passed while the details of an agreement to cut 38 billion from the budget for the remainder of the current fiscal year are put to paper. has some details of the agreement here.

After all the sure to come political spin, will either political party come away with a win? Doubtful, as before the average voter can come to grips with what was agreed upon, the battle for the 2012 budget will begin. Oh, and by the way, the nation's budget ceiling will be reached within the next month.


Protests Erupt Against Egyptian Army -
the army has been the constant which, in many ways, is the reason the uprising in Egypt has been mostly peaceful to this point. Always, in power, it was the military who engineered the removal of President Mubarak and promised democratic reforms.

Now, protesters are demanding a quicker change to power to civilians and are also calling for a trial for Mubarak. has an update here.


Civil War in Libya Continues -
as Gaddafi loyalists press the attack against western cities held by rebels. It is becoming evident NATO air strikes will not be enough to topple the Gaddafi regime. You can read more here.


Protests in Syria Grow in intensity -
yet another Arab state where popular disdain for the existing government is on display. Hundreds of thousands are now demonstrating across the country and the military is clamping down. The NY Times has more here.


Israel-Palestine Exchange Fire in Gaza -
the never ending conflict continues a low boil as the U.S. sponsored peace talks ended months ago. Israel used air strikes and tanks to target sites in Gaza in retaliation to a missile fired from the Gaza strip which hit near a Israeli school bus, wounded two. The Washington Post has more here.


Kissinger and Baker Offer
Guidelines for U.S. Military Intervention - as events are unfolding in the Middle East and North Africa, the two former U.S. Secretaries of State have an op-ed in the Washington Post today which provides a framework for when America should intervene in foreign countries. You can read it here.


Sunday Morning "Talking Heads" Lineup -
New Senior White House Adviser David Plouffe makes the rounds tomorrow morning as he will appear on the four major networks. Plouffe and former White House senior adviser David Axelrod essentially switched positions as Axelrod is now involved in the reelection campaign for President Obama. Plouffe is considered the mastermind behind the online success of the 2008 Obama campaign. Also appearing tomorrow will be Republican Representative Paul Ryan (Wisc.) who will be discussing his FY'2012 budget. You can read more here.


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