
Saturday, March 26, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Sunday morning "Talking Heads" Lineup -
the Obama administration goes to the airwaves to defend their military action in Libya. Defense Secretary Robert Gates and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will appear on CBS "Face the Nation" and NBC "Meet the Press". Below, has a rundown on the Sunday morning shows.


Wisconsin Republicans Press Forward with Anti-Union Bill -
seemingly in violation of a Judge's restraining order on the bill passed recently to end collective bargaining of public service employees. At issue, is the publishing of the law, which is a requirement for a bill to become law, in defiance of the order issued by the Judge. has more here.


What is Goal in Libya? -
remains the most pressing question as who is in charge of the rebels is a close second. Some rebels have recaptured a few towns, but the spectre of a stalemate looms large. The Washington Post has an update here.

President Obama tried to make a case for U.S. intervention this morning in his weekly address, his surrogates will hit the Sunday morning "talking heads" programs and the president will address the nation in a televised speech Monday night. Stay tuned...


Lack of information from Japanese Government Adds to Crisis -
an record breaking earthquake, a resulting tsunami and subsequent nuclear plant disaster has proven to be too much for the government of Japan. The lack of accurate reporting from the government has added to the many problems facing the nation as they struggle to recover. The NY Times has more here.


U.S. Budget Impasse Continues -
no agreement has been reached among the Republican and Democratic leaders attempting to hammer out a compromise for the budget for the remainder of this fiscal year which ends September 30. Members of congress will only have a few days next week to finalize an agreement before the present two week stop gap bill expires. Both political parties are already laying the blame the other if a government shut down takes place. has more here.


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