
Sunday, March 13, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Japan Tsunami Leading to Nuclear Plant Meltdowns -
if an earthquake and tsunami wasn't enough for the people of Japan to endure, the attempts to cools down a nuclear reactor are failing. The Washington Post has more here.


Uprising in Libya Lacks Coordination -
the initial support fueled by dissatisfied youth in Libya is being beaten back by the forces loyal to Gaddafi. The Arab states voted to support a no-fly zone if imposed by the U.N., but at this point, with no one in control of the rebellion, the ultimate results which would come from further support to rebels is questionable. The NY Times has more here.


Israel Announces More Homes to be Built in West Bank -
further aggravating a longstanding problem between Palestinians and Israel. The announcement to build more homes came after the murder of three Israeli children in a settlement by unknown attackers. Meanwhile, the U.S. brokered peace talks between Israel and Palestine remained stalled. has more here.


Fabulous 14 Return to Wisconsin -
the state senators who fled to Illinois to avoid a vote on collective bargaining, were greeted by huge cheering crowds. has more here.


Some House Republicans Uneasy About Another Stop Gap Funding Bill -
the current continuing resolution expires on March 18 and negotiations have led to another three week extension to be voted on this week which contains 6 Billion in cuts. However, some House Republicans are not happy with another short term extension and fear their requested 61 Billion in cuts for the remainder of the current fiscal year will not eventually pass. has more here.


Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell Says No to Raising Debt Ceiling -
appearing on Fox News, he says Republicans in the Senate will not vote to raise the debt ceiling unless their is a credible effort to reduce the nation's long term debt. has more here.


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