
Thursday, January 27, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

President Obama Takes You Tube Questions Today -
at 2:30 PM ET, the president will take your questions and answer them on You Tube. You can watch here.
Earlier, in the day, Obama will meet with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for an update on Afghanistan/Pakistan.

While, the state of the union address was well received, some have pointed out the absence of any mention of Afghanistan, gun control - in light of the Tucson Tragedy, and the breakdown in the Middle East peace process.

Rumors say the president will address gun control in an separate upcoming speech.

Perhaps, on the agenda when the president meets with Clinton is the current situation in Egypt where demonstrators have openly displayed their dissatisfaction of the 30 year rule of President Hosni Mubarak.


Palin Further Displays Why She will Never be President -
appearing on her employer Fox News last night, she made fun of the use of the "Winning The Future" phrase by President Obama repestedly in his State of The Union address. Palin made fun of it by referring to the crude acronym WTF, saying "there were a lot of WTF moments in the speech". has more here.


CBO Says Deficit will be 1.5 Trillion for FY 2011 -
a staggering figure which highlights the enormity of the problem the nation faces in balancing the budget. the nonpartisan Congressional Budget office has more here.


House Votes to End Publicly Funded Presidential Campaigns -
by a vote of 239-160. This would do away with the $3.00 option taxpayers have to contribute to publicly financing presidential campaigns. The Republican sponsored bill would save an estimated 617 million over ten years which could be directed to the general fund. Only ten Democrats voted in favor of the bill. has more


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