
Thursday, January 13, 2011

Daily Political Wire 1-13-2011

George Wenschhof

Tucson Tragedy Puts Spotlight On Political Leaders -
yesterday, in less than twenty-four hours, Americans were able to see a contrite, combative and confusing statement from tea party favorite Sarah Palin, calming and sensitive statements from House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) and former Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calf.) and ending with an incredible unifying speech by President Obama. The NY Times has more here.

Watching the responses, one can easily see why Barack Obama is President and why Sarah Palin will never be President.


Nancy Pelosi in Room when Giffords Opens Eyes -
prior to attending the memorial, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calf.) was among a handful of family and friends in the hospital room when Representative Gabrielle Giffords opened her eyes for the first time since the shooting, acknowledging their presence. has more here.

Economy Continues Sluggish Recovery -
after showing positive signs, unemployment claims increased to a level not seen for six months - most likely due to after Holiday lay-offs. has more here.

In addition, foreclosures in 2010 numbered 1.05 million, on top of the 918,000 in 2009. You can read more here.


Senator Kerry Still Pushing For Energy/Climate Legislation -
the data released by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration that 2010 was tied for the warmest year on record is a compelling reason to push forward on legislation says John Kerry (D-Mass.) whose cap-and-trade bill failed to pass in the last Congress. has more here.


Secretary of State Hillary Clinton Urges Reform in Middle East -
speaking at an Arab conference in Qatar. She spoke of her trip to Yemen several days ago and pressed for human rights, especially the rights of women, less corruption in government and less repressive political systems. The NY Times has more here.


Vice president Joe Biden in Iraq -
finally, a new government was established in Iraq, following months of negotiations aftre Parliamentary elections. Biden will meet with Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki who is insisting on the withdraw of U.S. troops per an earlier agreement with the U.S. by the end of this year. Biden's surprise visit comes after stops in Afghanistan and Pakistan. The Washington Post has more here.


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