
Friday, December 10, 2010

Daily Political Wire 12-10-2010

George Wenschhof

House Democrats balk at Tax Extension Compromise -
Congressman Anthony Weiner (D-NY) was among the loudest of the whining progressives who oppose the compromise put forward by President Obama.

Yesterday, in a non-binding voice vote of the House Democratic Caucus, they voiced opposition to the 800-900 billion tax compromise bill proposed by the president. A total of 54 house Democrats signed a letter to the president saying they will vote no.

The problem with the progressive wing is when asked, they have no alternative, nor do they say they are willing to allow all the Bush tax cuts expire at the end of the month.

Meanwhile, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) is scheduling a vote for as early as Monday on the bill which is rapidly becoming known as the second Stimulus bill.

The House progressive Democrats should look at the overall deal proposed and be happy as it would never be passed by the incoming congress. Less than 200 billion of the bill goes toward the tax cut extension for those earning more than $250,000 and the estate tax changes. The rest goes toward programs championed by Democrats.

After all the bluster dies down, look to see the bill passed by Congress.

President Obama was interviewed by Steve Inskeep of NPR and expressed confidence the compromise tax deal will pass. You can read the transcript or listen to the interview here.


Bill Clinton to meet with Obama Today at White House -
it would be fun to be the fly on the wall. Sure to be discussed is the huge wins by Republicans in the 1994 mid terms and how Clinton handled the change and went on to win another term in office. The NY Times has more here.


D.A.D.T. Votes Fails in Senate - due to a procedural move by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) to tack it on the a defense appropriations bill. The slick move, intended to put pressure on Republicans to pass the overall bill, failed to overcome a filibuster by a vote of 57-40.

Senator Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) will work with Senator Susan Collins (R-Maine) to introduce a stand alone bill to repeal D.A.D.T. which they believe they have the votes to pass after a discussion on the floor. has more here.


DREAM Act to be Voted on Next Week in Senate -
they jettisoned their own bill and instead will vote on the House bill approved earlier this week. Approval is doubtful for the bill which provides a pathway to citizenship for children of illegal immigrants who serve in the military or attend college. has more


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