
Monday, November 22, 2010

Daily Political Wire 11-22-2010

George Wenschhof

In case you missed them, below are some quick highlights of the Sunday morning "Talking Heads" put together by CNN.


Only 43% say Obama deserves another term -
the Quinnipiac poll out today shows 49%-43% say he does not deserve another term in office. Obama is essentially tied with Republicans Mitt Romney and Mike Huckabee and leads Sarah Palin 48-40%.

A lot can happen in two years to adjust thes numbers, so stay tuned.... Quinnipiac has more on the poll results here.


Tomorrow, President Obama will tour a Chrysler Plant in Kokomo, Indiana -
the transmission plant is receiving 300 million in renovations and the president will tout the stimulus bill. Kokomo has suffered high unemployment rates. Unfortunately, for the the president, the voters in Indiana no longer support him at the same level when they voted for him in the 2008 election. The Chicago Tribune has more here.


D.A.D.T. report to be released November 30 -
the long awaited study by the Pentagon will have an impact on the repeal of the military policy toward gays and lesbians serving in the armed services.

The Obama administration is pushing for a real vote to be held during the lame duck session of Congress. The Washington Post has more here.


Vice President Joe Biden to meet with Kerry and Hoyer today -
in separate meetings, Biden will talk about the ratification of the START Treaty with Senator John Kerry (D-Mass.) who is chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. With Steny Hoyer (D-Md.), the current House Majority Leader, the vice president will most likely be discussing the passage of tax cuts for those making less than $250,000. has more here.


Obama's Middle East Policy Fizzles -
the two year effort to reach a Palestinian-Israel peace agreement has been a failure to date. Middle East Envoy George Mitchell has done a yeoman's job at trying to keep dialogue going, but Israel and Palestinian leadership has failed to cooperate.

The latest attempt by the Obama administration to bribe Israel with 3 billion in military stealth fighters in exchange for a ninety day building moratorium is the latest example of the mistakes by the Obama administration. You can read more here.


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