
Saturday, November 20, 2010

Daily Political Wire 11-20-2010

George Wenschhof

Sunday morning "Talking Heads" lineup -
below, has a preview of the morning shows. The discussion will be heavily focused on foreign policy as Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Mike Mullen fan out to appear and push for the ratification of the START treaty with Russia during the lame duck session of congress.

Also, sure to be discussed is the recent NATO agreement to end involvement in Afghanistan by the end of 2014 and the U.S. offer of 3 billion in stealth fighter planes to Israel in exchange for a ninety day building moratorium in the disputed West Bank.


Federal Elections Commission Dismisses Complaint against Republican Senator John Ensign (Nev.) - a complaint had been filed against him in regard to the $96,000 his parents gave a campaign worker who was the former mistress of the Senator.

It was determined that the money was a gift and not a campaign contribution. has more here.


House Ethics Committee Cancels Trial for Representative Maxine Waters (D-Calf.) -
only citing new evidence became available which caused them to refer the case back to the subcommittee who originally recommended the trial. The trial had been scheduled to begin November 29.

Waters claims this proves the evidence was weak in regard to her case. She was questioned in regard to her acting on behalf of a Bank receiving bail out funds which her husband owned stock. has more here.


Representative Steve Israel (D-NY) to be new DCCC Chair -
he was named by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calf.) to replace Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.) who served as chair for the last two election cycles.

Israel will be tasked at regaining the majority in the House. The NY Times Caucus Blog has more here.


Senate Settles Black Farmers and American Indian Lawsuits for 4.55 Billion -
the long standing lawsuits were finally settled yesterday. Black Farmers had argued they had been denied or underpaid aid and American Indian trust funds had been mismanaged.

It now goes to the House for a vote prior to being signed by President Obama. The NY Times has more here.


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