
Friday, October 29, 2010

Ron Young Zeros In On Maryland District 3 State Senate

George Wenschhof

Republican Alex Mooney has served for three terms as state senator representing district 3 in Maryland and Democrat Ron Young has his way, there will be no fourth term for Mooney.

Mooney first won election by upsetting incumbent Republican Jack Derr in the 1998 election. Derr was more of a moderate, who was able to work across the aisle during his time in Annapolis. Local Democrats had come to accept Derr would be elected and his moderate positions on issues dissuaded serious attempts by Democratic candidates to unseat him.

Mooney campaigned hard to upset Derr in the 1998 election and his ultra right conservative positions of anti gay, pro-life, and anti-gun control quickly played into and garnered national support, generating a campaign chest rivaled by other candidates.

Yet, throughout his twelve years in office, where it matters the most, Mooney has been ineffective in Annapolis, so much so, he was rated the least effective state senator by the Gazette papers of Maryland.

It was this ineffective representation for the residents of district 3 which caused former four term City of Frederick mayor Ron Young to decide to run for state senate.

When I sat down with Ron Young earlier today, he told me he was fine with deferring and offering his support to Frederick County Commissioner president Jan Gardner or state delegate Galen Clagett if they had decided to challenge Alex Mooney.

When neither one decided to run, Ron was in it to win it, first winning convincingly; the Democratic primary. His primary opponent, Don DeArmon, who Ron referred to as a nice gentleman and good Democrat, has offered his full support to Young.

In addition to earning the support of his former Democratic opponent, Young has received endorsements from Republican and Democratic mayors in towns/cities across district 3, including Brunswick, Burkittsville, City of Frederick, and Rosemont.

Young's sixteen years of experience as mayor and ten plus years serving as Deputy Secretary Maryland Planning Department combined with his ability to bring people together is a huge plus for the voters in district 3.

Ron told me he is continuing to work hard every day, going door to door meeting voters all across the district. He told me "he recognizes Mooney is a hard campaigner, but the sorry fact for the voters, is the only time Mooney shows up in district 3, is when he is campaigning".

Ron said "if Alex worked as hard as a state senator as he does campaigning, Alex might be more effective in Annapolis".

While the Mooney campaign and his, outside of state funds, exceed $500,000, the Young campaign intends to close hard with help from the Maryland Democratic senate campaign committee who is supplementing the $65,000 plus the Young campaign has received in donations.

The Young campaign has experience and enthusiasm leading the effort with co-chairs Karen Young and Kathy Rossen. Joel Young (not related) was added as a full time staffer through the help of the Democratic senate campaign committee.

Over 18,000 live calls have been placed to voters, with mailers, television and radio ads also out. The Young signs are visible throughout the district and Young informed me he had 1000 placed in yards.

On a windy and cool day, I met up with Ron Young in downtown Frederick. While standing on a bridge overlooking the Carroll Creek redevelopment and flood control project he envisioned as mayor over twenty years ago, I asked him a few questions.

Below, he talks about how as state senator, he will work hard to help obtain state funding for the Monocacy Blvd. interchange, which when completed, will bring jobs to Frederick County.

When I asked him about what he would do to help seniors, he said he would work to eliminate taxes they pay on retirement income after they reach the age of 70. He indicated many seniors move from the state due to this taxation. You can hear him talk about this below.

The election is only days away and Frederick County and the residents of district 3 deserve effective representation in Annapolis. Make sure you vote for a change on November 2.


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