
Saturday, October 9, 2010

Daily Political Wire 10-9-2010

George Wenschhof

Obama barely beats Bush as best President -
a poll conducted by CNN/Opinion Research Corporation showed Obama with 47% and Bush with 45%. One year ago, Obama had a 23 point advantage. has more here.


National Security Adviser James Jones Resigns - Donilon named as replacement -
Jones joins chief of staff Rahm Emanuel and three other senior White House advisers in leaving the Obama administration.

Tom Donilon was next in line to Jones and argued against the troop build up in Afghanistan. A position which has not won Donilon friends in the military. has more here.


Tea Party Ohio House candidate belongs to Nazi Reenactment Group -
not a revelation the Republicans or the tea party movement want to hear. Rich Iott, is running in the Ohio 9th district. The tea party, already maligned for being racist, will now need to defend his photos dressed up as a Nazi. has more here.


Lou Dobbs Defends illegal immigrants working on his property -
a former CNN reporter who rise to fame centered on his never ending battle against illegal immigration is now under fire for having undocumented workers. It appears the undocumented workers were not hired by Dobbs, but by a contractor who was hired by Dobbs. The Nation's Isabel Macdonald asks "Where does the buck stop, Lou?". has more here.


Latest analysis shows Republicans gaining 47 seats in House -
a net gain of 39 seats is needed by Republicans to retake majority of the House. However, 40-60 seats remain in play so results are still not predictable. The NY Times has more here.


Critical Supply Route reopened in Pakistan -
the most recent attack by militants destroyed 30 tankers stuck in a convoy. The supply route to Afghanistan was closed to U.S./NATO forces ten days ago after a U.S./NATO attack within Pakistan killed Pakistan soldiers. has more here.


Bill Clinton heads to West Virginia on Monday to campaign for Manchin -
the Senate seat held by the late Robert Byrd for over fifty years is in danger of becoming Republican. Republican John Raese is locked in a "pick-em" race with Democratic Governor Joe Manchin. has more here.


Second Maryland Governor debate agreed upon by candidates -
Democratic Governor Martin O'Malley will appear with Republican former Governor Robert Ehrlich on Baltimore radio WOLB with host Larry Young. It is scheduled for October 21 from 8:00-9:00 AM. The Baltimore Sun has more here.


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