
Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Daily Political Wire 10-5-2010

George Wenschhof

President Obama to announce solar Panels will be added to White House roof -
in a move directed to appealing to the far left, the president will announce the panels will be installed in the Spring next year. The Obama administration has been unable to move forward energy/climate legislation to date and this move is a largely symbolic effort to show support. has more here.


1.47 Trillion deficit projected for fiscal year 2010 -
the budget year just ended on September 30 and the deficit, due to emergency spending directed toward the economy is set to be an all time high. has more here.


Independents continue to favor Republicans over Democrats -
according to a recently published Washington Post/ABC News poll. 53% favor republicans and their district and only 33% favor Democrats. Overall, voters favor a Republican led congress 49-43% over Democrats. The Washington Post has more here.


Higher Republican voter turn out expected in mid term elections - has a new poll showing if voter turn out is high, Republicans would led democrats 53-40%. If voter turn out is low, Republicans would led Democrats 56-38%. has more here.

Coupled with recent polls showing Independent voters leaning Republicans, you can see why Democratic leadership is now focused on getting out the vote.


Republicans retaking the House not a sure thing -
as you can see from the data I published yesterday, many House races remain competitive. There are about a dozen too close to call and another 40 which are still in play. Republicans will surely gain seats, but reaching the 39 net gain needed to retake the majority is not going to be easy.


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