
Friday, October 15, 2010

Daily Political Wire 10-15-2010

George Wenschhof

Obama administration challenges Judge's ban of D.A.D.T. -
on the same day President Obama was speaking to young voters attending the MTV town hall and saying he will end the military policy on Gays serving in the armed services, the Justice Department filed a suit asking for a stay on the injunction issued by a Judge ordering the military to immediately stop the D.A.D.T. policy. The has more here.

For the second time this week, the president was flat when appearing before young voters, a segment Democrats need to come out in high levels in order to be competitive in the mid term elections. You can read more on the MTV town hall here.


Democrats lose Round One on Health Care Reform lawsuit -
the Justice department had sought to have a law suit challenging the constitutionality of health care reform dismissed. The suit brought by the state of Florida challenges the requirement that everyone purchase health insurance. Stay Tuned... has more here.


President Obama visits Delaware today to Stump for Coons -
he will be joined in Wilmington by Vice President Joe Biden. Chris Coons is leading Republican tea party candidate Christine O'Donnell by double digits in the polls. However, Coons is a dull candidate and the democrats are not taking any race for granted in this change election. You can read more here.


Reid-Angel Debate in Nevada -
as I watched the debate yesterday, I felt sorry for the residents of Nevada as neither candidate came across very well. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D) kept saying to Angel she just did not understand how "Washington works" - not a good line to use in this election, and tea party favorite Sharron Angel (R) continued to show how little she understood about any issue. No wonder the polls have this race as a "pick-em" contest. The Washington Post has more here.


Tea Party Candidates running Strong -
whether the desire for change in Washington fueled the "change wave" in or whether the tea party influenced the desire for a change may never be known. What is known is the strength many of the tea party candidates have in the mid term elections and the likelihood they will bring a majority to the republicans in the House and maybe even the Senate.

The NY Times points out tea party candidates are leading in 33 House races and 8 Senate contests. You can read more here.


Federal reserve chair Ben Bernanke speaks today -
all ears are tuned to what he will say about continuing high unemployment and too low inflation. His prepared remarks indicate he believes further stimulus by government is needed, but provides little details on how the central bank will act when it meets November 2-3, after the mid term elections. has more here.


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