
Thursday, September 9, 2010

Daily Political Wire 9-9-2010

George Wenschhof

President Obama will give press time for questions tomorrow -
after giving speeches to a Labor day crowd in Milwaukee on Monday and providing details of new economic proposals in Cleveland yesterday.

The question and answer period with reporters will be from the White House.


Good news on the economy -
finally, some good reports are hitting the streets. Unemployment filings are down 27,000 to the lowest level in two months. In addition, the trade deficit dropped 14%, the lowest in two years. ABC News has more here.


Kentucky, California, and Florida Senate races tied -
CNN/Opinion Research polls show all three races in statistical ties only two months from election day. Incumbent Barbara Boxer (D) leads challenger Carly Fiorina (R) 48-44% in California. In Kentucky, Democratic candidate Jack Conway is tied with Rand Paul (R), and in Florida, new Independent Charlie Crist has 34%, Marco Rubio (R) 36% and Democratic candidate Kendrick Meek has 24%. has more here.

Democrats now have 57 members in the U.S. Senate with two Independents who caucus with them for a total of 59, one vote short of filibuster proof majority. Democrats are not likely to lose control of the Senate in the mid term elections. However, it is likely they will lose several seats overall.


Emanuel will decide on Chicago Mayor Race after mid term elections -
expect to have the announcement come immediately following the November 2 election as the filing deadline for the Chicago mayor race is November 22.

Several former Clintonistas are in the rumor mill as potential replacements such as Leon Panetta, Erskine Bowles, and Tony Podesta. Also in the rumor mill is former Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle and Ron Klein the chief of staff for Vice President Joe Biden. has more here. Stay tuned..


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