
Saturday, September 11, 2010

Daily Political Wire 9-11-2010

George Wenschhof

Today, President Obama will deliver remarks at the Pentagon memorial -
on the ninth anniversary of 9-11. Later the president will participate in a volunteer service project. In his weekly address, the president called upon Americans to donate their time today in remembrance of those who lost their lives on 9-11.

Vice President Joe Biden is in New York for services commemorating 9-11. You can read more here.


Florida Pastor Terry Jones says they will not burn Quran -
appearing on NBC "Today" show he said they will never burn the Quran and their decision will not change even if the NY City planned Mosque near ground zero is not moved. has more here.

Amazing that a bizarre pastor with a congregation of fifty, can receive so much media attention and have so much impact on the lives of others all over the world.


20 Million of 787 billion Stimulus bill to go to rural hospitals -
this will be spent to upgrade the hospitals to electronic patient record keeping. Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius made the announcement yesterday. has more here.

While this is a much needed upgrade, it also highlights how slow the expenditure of funds from the 787 billion Stimulus bill has been.


Patricia Geoghegan named as new "pay czar" -
she replaces Kenneth Feinberg who was named to oversee the 20 billion escrow fund established by BP for victims of the Gulf coast oil spill. has more here.

The "pay czar" position was established after the 700 billion "bail-out" bill to ensure compensation paid by companies aided by the bill were not outrageously high.


Money not helping Whitman in California Governor Race -
in spite of spending 100 million of her own money, Republican candidate Meg Whitman trails Democratic former Governor Jerry Brown in two of three recent polls. The only poll she leads is a CNN/Opinion Research poll in which she is ahead by only 2 points, well within the margin of error.

Jerry Brown has only spent 1 million and just aired his first campaign ad this past week. This is a good sign for Brown in this hotly contested race. You can read more here.


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