
Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Daily Political Wire 9-1-2010

George Wenschhof

Last night, President Obama sounded much like his predecessor; George W. Bush as he gave his speech to the nation -
citing all the reasons for why the U.S. had gone to war in Iraq, including the false claims of fighting terrorism. He used his speech to say he had fulfilled his campaign pledge of ending U.S. combat forces in Iraq. He went on to justify the need for U.S. forces to stay in Iraq (50,000 in a non-combat role) and the increased efforts by his administration in Afghanistan.

The only and short mention of the moribund U.S. economy was when Obama said the Trillion dollar cost of the war in Iraq had not been paid for and had added to the increase in the national debt along with the stimulus measures undertaken to help the country weather through the severe recession. In an effort to close the door on a divisive issue, the president used the phrase "it is time to turn the page" numerous times during his speech.

Overall, the speech fell flat with no acknowledgment that there is still no established government in Iraq and with 50,000 U.S. troops still in country, the possibility of a conflict leading to an escalation of U.S. involvement remains.

Meanwhile, in Afghanistan, the U.S. continues to prop up a corrupt government at incredible cost and the lives of U.S. soldiers. Finally, of most concern to Americans, discussion on a economy that remains stuck in neutral, dangling on a cliff and ready to fall backwards into a precipice did not take place.

You can watch the President's speech below.

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Continuing an effort to pivot away from the fragile U.S. Economy, President Obama meets today with Mid East Leaders prior to the beginning of Israel-Palestine Peace Talks -
One has to hope that this time, U.S. brokered peace talks will have lasting success. However, the stark realities on centuries old divisions remain.

Today, one day before direct talks begin between Israel prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, Obama will meet with both individually and also with Egyptian President Hosni Munarak and King Abdullah of Jordon.

The NY Times has a good read here on the president's attempt to focus on foreign policy.


Murkowski Concedes in Alaska Republican Senate Primary -
after a number of the absentee ballots had been counted, incumbent senator Lisa Murkowski conceded the race to tea party activist supported Joe Miller. Murkowki joins Republican Bob Bennet of Utah and Republican turned Democrat Arlen Specter as the third incumbent Senator to lose in the primaries.

Joe Miller will face little known Democrat Scott McAdams who is already down by 16 points to miller in the first polls conducted. Chris Cillizza of The Fix has more here.


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