
Friday, September 10, 2010

Daily Political Wire 8-10-2010

George Wenschhof

President Obama to hold 11:00 AM Press Conference -
from the White House rose garden, the president is expected to lead off with remarks on his recent proposals to bolster the economy and create jobs. Expect him to also mention the Reverend Terry Jones in Florida and request again he reconsider his planned burning of the Koran on Saturday. You can read more here.


Only 37% favor extending Bush Tax Cuts - the latest Gallup poll shows the American public agreeing with President Obama. 44% want the tax cuts extended for those making less than $250,000 and only 15% want the tax cuts to expire altogether. has more here.


Will he or won't he Burn Quran? -
who said what and what was agreed upon is still confusing a day after news was released pertaining to the planned burning of the Muslim Holy book by a Florida Pastor.

Whether the 24 hour news cycle twisted the facts or the facts were misinterpreted by the individuals involved in the negotiations may never be known. In less than a twenty-four hour period, initial reports that the burning would be halted after meetings between Imam Mohammad Musri of Florida and preacher Terry Jones had changed to the scheduled burning was on hold.

The halt of the burning was initially reportedly due to an agreement of the Imam in New York to move the location of the new Mosque planned for construction near ground zero. Now, it is being reported the agreement from the NY Imam was to meet with Jones at some future date. You can read more here.

The wacko preacher in Florida has a congregation of fifty and has managed with inflammatory rhetoric to wreck havoc around the world and to put U.S military personnel and civilians traveling abroad in harms way. All of which is the latest test of freedom of speech in America. Stay tuned...


Federal District Court Judge rules "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"
policy unconstitutional - on the grounds the U.S. military policy on Gays serving in the military violated the first amendment freedom of speech provision and the fifth amendment due process clause. The NY Times has more here.

This could make the ongoing military survey on the D.A.D.T. policy moot. Stay tuned...


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