
Saturday, August 21, 2010

Sunday morning "Talking Heads" Lineup for 8-22-2010

George Wenschhof

Some foreign policy discussion will join domestic issues on the Sunday morning "Talking Heads" this weekend. The withdrawal of all combat troops from Iraq took place this past week while the struggle in Afghanistan continues.

The announcement Friday by Secretary of state Hillary Clinton of Israel/Palestine direct peace talks to take place in Washington D.C. beginning September 2 does not appear to be receiving a lot of discussion this coming Sunday.

U.S. General Ray Odierno will appear on both CNN "State of The Union" and CBS "Face The Nation" and share his thoughts on the future of Iraq and the mission of the remaining 56,000 U.S. troops within Iraq.

Afghanistan President Hamid Karzai will be a guest on ABC "This Week" - look to see if some hard questions are ask of him; such as what is he doing to rid the wide spread corruption in his government. Expect Karzai to be critical of the u.S. use of Drones to launch missile attacks which have resulted in civilian deaths.

NBC "Meet the Press" gets back to speculation of the mid term elections with guests Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), Tea Party founder Dick Armey, and Governor Jennifer Granholm (D-Mich.)

The construction of a Mosque near ground zero in New York City receives some continued scrutiny on ABC "This Week" with the executive director of American Society of Muslim Advancement Daisy Khan and Jewish Community Center Rabbi Joy Levitt.

President Obama's statement pertaining to the importance of freedom of religious belief within the U.S. has become a lightening rod for those who oppose the building of the Mosque at this location.

Former DNC chair Howard Dean who has publicly disagreed with the president on the building of the Mosque, will also be on CNN "State of The Union". Dean has also angered members of Democracy for America (DFA) with his position on this issue. DFA was started by Dean after his loss in the Democratic primary for president in the 2004 election.

The failure of the government prosecutors to obtain a conviction on 22 of the 23 counts of corruption against former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich will be the topic of discussion on Fox New Sunday who will have Blagojevich as their guest. Look to see Blago continue his colorful comments with claims of persecution against him and his family.

NBC "Meet The Press" - House Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), former House Majority Leader Dick Armey (R-Tex.) and Governor Jennifer Granholm (D-Mich.)

ABC "This Week" - Hamid Karzai, Joy Levitt, and Daisy Khan.

Roundtable discussion with Al Hunt, Robert Reich, Judy Woodruff, and George Will.

CBS "Face The Nation" - General Ray Ordierno and Senator Lindsay Graham (R-S.C.)

CNN "State of The Union" - General Ray Ordierno and Howard Dean

Fox News Sunday - former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich


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