
Saturday, August 14, 2010

Sunday morning "Talking Heads" Lineup for 8-15-2010

George Wenschhof

The future involvement of the U.S. in Afghanistan and the continuing slumping economy will be two of the main topics of discussion this Sunday morning. David Gregory, host of NBC "Meet The Press", traveled to Afghanistan to interview General David Petreaus. More military documents are to be released soon on which will surely add to the many questions surrounding the U.S. military presence in Afghanistan. Will or will not the U.S. begin withdrawal in July of 2011? or will continued U.S. involvement be conditions based? Expect this to become an even more heated issue next summer as the 2012 presidential election will be well underway.

The fear of a double dip recession is real as consumers continue to resist spending and lending by banks remain tight. Economist Mark Zandi will be on Fox News Sunday and economist Laura Tyson will be on ABC "This Week". While another round of stimulus spending may be helpful, there is zero chance of support for that coming from Congress. Expect some analysis of the latest action taken by the Federal Reserve in buying mortgage debt along with what else can be done to get the unemployed working again. For over a year, I have been calling for a federally funded public service employment program (a modern day public works program). let's see if this is mentioned as an option in easing the unemployment burden.

Another topic likely to be discussed will be the upcoming Ethics Trials of Democratic Representatives Charles Rangel (NY) and Maxine Waters (Calf.). Both are African American, a point not lost on the Congressional Black Caucus. Be prepared for the spin as to how it will help Republicans and hurt Democrats in the mid term elections.

The latest statement by President Obama, coming at a Iftar dinner celebrating the Muslim holy month on Friday night, giving support of the building of a Mosque near ground zero in New York City, will surely receive attention by the pundits. The president is correct in saying it is important to protect religious freedom in America.

The ongoing conversation on the outcome of the mid term elections will defintely be a part of the discussion as DCCC chair Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.) appears on CNN "State of The Union". also appearing on the same show will be Representative Kevin McCarthy (R-Calf.) who will surely be asked about the Judge ruling overturning the ban on Gay Marriage in California and the subsequent short stay of the decision until August 18. Proponents of the ban have file an appeal and hope to extend the stay until the appeal is heard.

and... how about that oil well in the Gulf? Seems the "top kill" has worked and maybe trying the bottom kill by the relief well may be more harmful than helpful at this point. let's see if this receives any discussion.

NBC "Meet the Press" - taped from Afghanistan - General David Petraeus

CBS "Face The Nation" - DNC chair Tim Kaine and Governor Ed Rendell (D-Pa.).

Roundtable discussion with Ed Gillespie, Ed Rollins, Karen Tumulty and John Harris.

ABC "This Week" - Laura Tyson, Senator Bob Corker (R-Tenn.)

Roundtable discussion with Cokie Roberts, Matthew Dowd and Jon Corzine

CNN "State of The Union" - DCCC chair Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.), Kevin McCarthy (R-Calf.).

Fox News Sunday - Senators Jon Cornyn (R-Tex.) and Jack Reed (D-R.I.) and Mark Zandi.


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