
Saturday, August 7, 2010

Sunday morning "Talking Heads" Lineup for 8-8-2010

George Wenschhof

A grab bag of topics is sure to be discussed this coming Sunday. The latest "top kill" effort to stop the flow of oil into the gulf appears to be working so far for BP. Admiral Thad Allen will be on several of the morning shows; CNN "State of The Union" and CBS "Face The Nation".

New White House Energy Adviser Carol Browner will appear on NBC "Meet The Press". They will be quick to say they are still requiring BP to use the relief well to close off the damaged well from below. Stay tuned as this horrific spill has had many twists and turns with only one obvious item revealed - there was no plan to stop an oil spill pouring out from miles beneath the ocean.

The federal judge ruling overturning the Gay Marriage Ban in California will also receive discussion, especially on Fox News Sunday who has attorney Ted Olsen as guest. A one time hero of the far right, it was his arguments that led the judge to rule as he did.

What's going on in Iraq and Afghanistan will also receive attention as CNN "State of The Union has Generals Ray Ordierno and Peter Chiarelli. President Obama has said the U.S. is on track to withdraw from Iraq beginning next summer and that time frame is also the same to reassess the U.S. involvement in Afghanistan. It has become painfully clear both wars and subsequent occupation initiated by the George W. Bush administration have been less than successful and an incredible burden to the country's deficit spending.

General Chiarelli will discuss treatment available to veterans suffering from emotional stress. The best treatment would be for the U.S. to withdraw from both countries sooner rather than later.

President Obama finally broke through a Republican filibuster in the Senate to get a 26.1 billion aid to states bill passed. This will help in medicaid expenses and help to avoid teacher lay offs. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calf.) has called house members back from their August recess to vote on this bill next week. Governors Granholm (D-Mich) and McDonnell (R-Va.) will surely add their views on this bill being passed while appearing on CNN "State of The Union".

The ongoing dismal economy and the continuing 9.5% unemployment rate will also get more banter from both sides of the aisle.

NBC "Meet The Press" - WH Energy Adviser Carol Browner and House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Oh.)

Roundtable discussion with Harold Ford, Mike Pence, Andrea Mitchell and Todd Purdum.

ABC "This Week" - General Ray Ordierno and general Peter Chiavelli.

CBS "Face The Nation" - Admiral Thad Allen, Tony Perkins-Family Research Council, Jan Crawford-CBS legal counsel and Dan Balz-Washington Post.

CNN "State of The Union" - Admiral Thad Allen, Governors Jennifer Granholm (D-Mich.) and Bob McDonnell (R-Va.).

Fox News Sunday - Attorney Ted Olsen, Governor John Daniels (R-Ind.)


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