
Thursday, August 5, 2010

Daily Political Wire 8-5-2010

George Wenschhof

Today, President Obama will be in Chicago -
a day after celebrating his birthday, the president will tour a Ford plant, attend a DNC fundraiser and attend an event for Alexi Giannoulias; the Democratic Senate candidate. The Washington Post has more here.


Judge Overturns ban on Gay Marriage in California -
the moral police lose this round in the courts. The NY Times has a good analysis of this ruling by Judge Vaugh Walker and suggest a reversal by the Supreme Court will be difficult. You can read it here.


Senate nears passage of State Aid bill, Pelosi call back House members -
this time the Republicans failed in their "Party of No" approach when several Republicans; notably the Maine Senators Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe, broke ranks to break the filibuster in the senate. The vote was 61-38. You can read more here.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi recalled House members, who had already left for their August recess, to vote to approve this measure.

The bill will provide 16 billion in aid to states for help with medicaid and 10 billion to offset looming teacher lay offs in states.


Tennessee primary today -
Republican candidates for Governor have been trading shots at who is more conservative with one calling Islam a cult and another wanting Tennessee to secede from the Union if Washington doesn't change it's ways. The winner between Republicans Bill Haslam, Zach Wamp, and Ron Ramsey will face Democrat Mike McWherter. For more details, read Chris Cizzilla today.


Senate to Confirm Kagan today -
Elena Kagan will receive enough votes from Republicans to secure her nomination as Justice on the Supreme Court. She will make on the fourth woman to serve on the court. You can read more here.


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