
Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Daily Political Wire 8-3-2010

George Wenschhof

Today, President Obama signs into law the Fair Sentencing Act -
this corrects the huge difference in sentencing in regard to possession of crack cocaine versus powder cocaine.

Later in the day, the president hosts a Young African American town hall at the White House.


Michigan, Missouri and Kansas hold primaries today -
watch the governor races in Michigan where current Democratic Governor Jennifer Granholm is term limited and unable to run for reelection. Also, Representative Bart Stupak (D) announced his retirement after battling for an abortion amendment to the Health Care Reform bill. As usual, Chris Cillizza has some good insights here.


Federal Judge rules state of Virginia challenge to new Health care reform bill can continue -
the Obama administration had moved to dismiss the case. At issue, is state's rights versus federal rights and the over arching constitution. Virginia does not require all of it's residents to have insurance. Stay tuned.... has more here.


Senate Democrats hit snag on 26.1 billion bill to aid states in Medicaid and Education -
seems the non partisan congressional budget office said the proposed closing of foreign tax credit loopholes did not save enough money to pay for the bill. has more here.

Senate Republicans who continue to use the 60 vote threshold to stop legislation are not likely to support this bill. This would hand the Obama administration another loss in addition to the small business aid bill, both defeated prior to the August recess.

The bill will be amended and re offered tomorrow.


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