
Sunday, August 29, 2010

Daily Political Wire 8-29-2010

George Wenschhof

Obama ends vacation and heads to New Orleans -
on the day of the fifth anniversary of Hurricane Katrina. he will give a speech this afternoon at Xavier University. He will also interview with Brian Williams of NBC which will air tonight on NBC Nightly News. You can read more here.


Governor Joe Manchin wins Democratic W. Virginia primary -
in the Senate race to replace the late Robert Byrd. He will face Republican candidate John Raese.

In Louisiana, Senator David Vitter (D) easily won and will face Democratic candidate Charlie Melancon. Vitter was caught up in a prostitution sting when his name appeared in a D.C. call girl's phone index. Expect the sordid details to resurface prior to the November election.

The W. Virginia senate seat is leaning Democratic and the Louisiana Senate seat promises to be close. You can read more here.


Al Sharpton led rally yesterday says "Don't Drink The Tea" -
the rally made up of civil rights advocates recognizing the anniversary of Martin Luther King's "I have a Dream" speech. It was held shortly after the Glen Beck led revival entitled "restoring America's honor". has more here.


More signs of corruption in Afghanistan -
seems a senior prosecutor was fired by president Hamid Karzai for going after those involved in graft. Fazel Ahmed Faqiryar says he was fired and over two dozen cases of graft and corruption were blocked by the Afghanistan President. The NY Times has more here.

This underscores the problems associated with continued U.S. monetary and military support in Afghanistan.


Democrats begin "Get out The Vote" effort -
led by the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC), they aim to mobilize volunteers to knock on 400,000 doors in 75 of the more contested congressional districts. has more here.

All 435 House seats are up for election in November. Political analysts are predicting a loss of anywhere between 28-45 seats in the for the Democrats this fall. If the Democrats lose 39 seats, Republicans will gain a majority in the House with John Boehner (R-Ohio) in line to become Speaker.


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