
Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Daily Political Wire 8-24-2010

George Wenschhof

Stem Cell Research Banned by Judge's ruling -
in a ruling yesterday, U.S. District Court Judge Royce Lamberth issued a temporary ban on federal funding of stem cell research. has more here.

In effect, it says the executive order expanding federal funding for research on embryonic stem cells signed by President Obama last year violates the intent of the Dickey-Wicker amendment approved by Congress in 1996.

Expect the government to appeal to a higher court.

This decision could easily be ratcheted up and made a campaign issue in the upcoming mid term elections.


Today, Vice President Joe Biden will give an update on the "787 billion Stimulus" bill -
he will be joined by Energy Secretary Steve Chu and will talk about investments in science and technology. has more here.

The Obama administration attempted to highlight the success of the bill with planned announcements across the country entitled "Recovery Summer". Unfortunately, the planned effort to highlight the successes of the bill has fallen flat as unemployment has remained steady at 9.5%.

In addition to the lack of a jobs program, the Stimulus bill was so varied and diverse, the resulting effects of reduced spending on a particular area of the economy has had little positive outcome.


House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) to call for Firing of Obama's Economic Team -
Budget Director Peter Orzag already saw the handwriting on the wall and left as has Christina Romer.

Boehner, citing continued high unemployment, will call for the ouster of Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner and White House Economic Adviser Larry Summers today at a speech in Cleveland, Ohio. The Washington Post has more here.

Democrats are already responding to the planned speech saying the Republicans will continue to criticize but offer no solutions. has more here.

The main reason Democrats remain competitive going into the mid term elections is the fact the Republican leadership of Senate Majority leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and House Minority leader John Boehner is so weak and ineffective.


O'Malley widens lead against Ehrlich in latest poll -
in a OpinionWorks survey released today by Center Maryland Maryland Democratic Governor Martin O'Malley leads former Governor Robert Ehrlich 47% to 41%.

In the Republican primary newcomer Brian Murphy, in spite of an endorsement from Sarah Palin, is only receiving 15% with Ehrlich receiving 75%.

However, the Baltimore Sun points out that many of the owners of the company conducting the polling have contributed to Democrats. In addition, two of the founding members; Steve Kearney was former communications director for O'Malley and Damian O'Doherty was a former aide to Baltimore County Executive James Smith. The Baltimore Sun has more here.


Shirley Sherrod to Meet with Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack today -
Ms. Sherrod was forced to resign after portions of a speech racist she had previously given which made her appear racist appeared on a conservative Blog. Subsequent airings of the entire speech proved the opposite. has more here.

Let's see what job she is offered and whether she accepts.


Former President Jimmy Carter heads to North Korea to help win release of American -
Aijalon Mahli Gomes was recently sentenced to 8 years of hard labor for illegally entering the country.

Former President Bill Clinton was successful, less than a year ago, in gaining the release of two women journalists who had been jailed for illegal entry into N. Korea.


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