
Saturday, July 31, 2010

Sunday morning "Talking Heads" Lineup for 8-1-2010

George Wenschhof

Expect debate and discussion on the information provided by on the United States foreign policy in regard to Afghanistan/Pakistan. The stunning disclosure that Pakistan intelligence agencies have been aiding the Taliban in their efforts against the United States in Afghanistan will feed the discussion.

Congress will be taking their August recess shortly with the Senate the last to leave on Thursday evening. Republicans have stuck with their obstructionist action in using an unprecedented number of filibusters and just saying "No" to whatever legislation the Democrats propose, including a Democratic sponsored bill to aid small business. Aid for states for help with Medicaid and teacher layoffs is another bill languishing in the senate.

Other topics will be the confirmation vote on Supreme Court Justice nominee Elena Kagan that will take place on Thursday, the gutting of the Arizona immigration law by a federal law, the dismal economy, the upcoming Representative Charles Rangel (D-NY) Ethics Trial, whether a watered down energy bill has any success in passing before the recess and speculation on the outcome of the upcoming mid term elections.

Sure to get some mention is the legislative theatrics which took place in the House and resulting Republican opposition to a bill providing health care to the first responders of 9/11 who have suffered debilitating illnesses as a result of their efforts on that day.

NBC "Meet the Press" - Former Federal Reserve chair Alan Greenspan - see if he repeats what he said earlier about supporting allowing the former George W. Bush administration tax cuts for the wealthy to expire.

Admiral Mike Mullen, chair of the Joints Chief of Staff who will surely add his comments to the AfPak leaks. New York City mayor Mike Bloomberg, and Governor Ed Rendell (D-Pa.).

ABC "This Week" - House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calf.) and Defense Secretary Robert Gates. Will the Rangel Ethics trial hurt the Democrats? Expect Pelosi to praise the system Democrats were responsible for implementing in dealing with ethics issues in the House.

Gates will talk about the suspected individual who leaked the classified information to WikiLeaks and try to spin the fact the Obama administration has been refocusing the effort in Afghanistan. A tough sell in light of the information being disclosed.

CBS "Face The Nation" - Senator Jon Kyl (R-Ariz.) - expect him to bemoan the federal judge ruling in regard to the state's immigration law. Also sure to express opinion will be, Thomas Saenz; President Mexican American Legal and Education Fund.

Admiral Mike Mullen will be joined with Richard Haass, president of Council on Foreign Relations. More discussion on U.S. policy in Afghanistan and Pakistan. CFR is known to be more conservative in their thought.

CNN "State of The Union" - Senators Carl Levin (D-Mich.) and Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.). Levin has to be happy with the trip by President Obama to Detroit, highlighting the comeback of the auto industry. Graham has to be sick over the fact a strong energy/climate bill he stuck his neck out to support with Senators Kerry and Lieberman, has now died a natural death and been replaced with an offering of a bill that basically bashes BP and does little else.

Fox News Sunday - Sarah Palin is their darling and headliner today. Rounding out their Republican leanings will be guests; Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Oh.).

Think they will be bashing Democrats, with Palin talking about is the most recent "mama grizzly" to receive her endorsement? You bet ya - Now, listen closely to see if they offer any concrete proposals in regard to any single issue - don't bet on it.


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