
Thursday, July 8, 2010

Daily Political Wire 7-8-2010

George Wenschhof

Today, President Obama is off to Missouri as part of the planned "Recovery Summer" tour -
in Kansas City, he will talk about the success of the Stimulus bill after touring Smith Electric Vehicles, noting initial unemployment claims were drop 21,000 this week. However, with unemployment hovering near 10%, there really is nothing to cheer about. The president will then fly to Nevada to attend a fundraiser for senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.


Interior Department joined by Justice Department ask for moratorium on deep water drilling be reinstated -
the initial ban issued by President Obama was overturned by U.S. District Court in New Orleans. Interestingly, MSNBC reported the Judge who issued the reversal sold his BP oil stock the day before he issued his ruling to overturn the ban. The NY Times has more here.


Climate/Energy bill gets boost from Congressional Budget Office report of 19 billion in savings - the nonpartisan CBO report was hailed by the bill's sponsor; Senator John Kerry (D-Mass.). The 19 billion in savings would be realized over the next ten years. AP has more here.


Democratic West Virginia Governor Joe Manchin likely to run for the late Senator Byrd seat
- he stated yesterday he was in favor of having a special election this year rather than 2012. Odds are he will run himself and easily win the seat. Chris Cillizza has more here.

So, who are the early candidates for governor? Stay tuned...


Republican Senators John McCain (Ariz.) and Orin Hatch (Ut.) will vote "No" to Kagan appointment -
this is hardly a surprise as both were opposed to Elena Kagan's appointment to the Supreme Court before the Senate confirmation hearings began. USA Today has more here.


Republican Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal signs law allowing guns in Church - the right wing nuts will be ecstatic. How weird is this? - it puts a whole new meaning into a fear of God. Even the early motion picture westerns depicted men, in a show of deference and respect, talking their gunbelts off before entering church. has more here.


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