
Monday, July 5, 2010

Daily Political Wire 7-5-2010

George Wenschhof

Yesterday, President Obama and the First Lady hosted a 4th of July picnic on the grounds of the White House for 1200 members of the military and their families - lots of entertainment and food for all. The president gave a speech in which he mentioned heroes from every branch of the military and also praised those who stood up for independence all those years ago. You can read more here.


Secretary of State Hillary Clinton stays busy over 4th of July on diplomatic missions overseas - Yesterday, she said the U.S. supports Democracy in the Republic of Georgia - she was speaking to several hundred women members of rights groups. Later, she is to meet with President Mikhail Saakashvili. Russia invaded Georgia in 2008 in a dispute over territorial rights. has more here.

Earlier, Clinton had met with the leaders of Amernia (Serge Sarkisian) and Azerbaijan (Elmar Mammadyarov) to try to mediate an end to their recent violent conflict over territorial rights. 30,000 have been killed and another one million displaced as a result of this fighting.

Azerbaijan also happens to be located in a critical location for the U.S. effort in Afghanistan. Flights travel through their air space and land routes are used to deliver supplies to the war effort. The NY Times has more here.


Process to replace the late Senator Robert Byrd under question - now, West Virginia Secretary of State Natalie Tennant (D) is calling for Governor Joe Manchin (D) to bring the issue up in special session of the state legislature.

The governor currently appoints the replacement and the special election would not be held until 2012. Some believe the special election should be held earlier. The governor himself is interested in running for the seat in 2012, which have led others to urge him to appoint himself. You can read more here. Stay Tuned...


Republicans and Democrats continue to battle over best course for the nation - instead of trying to reach consensus on the best approach for the country, both major political parties continue to point fingers at the other.

Over the 4th of July congressional break, Democrats were busy blaming republicans for the failure to pass an extension in unemployment payments, an increase in lending to small businesses, and aid to the states to avoid teacher and firefighter lay-offs. Republicans are quick to say the stimulus bill is not working, unemployment remains high and deficit reduction is necessary for the country.

In the meantime, there is still no legislation being offered by either side of the aisle, providing a public service employment program which would put people to work now in areas that are facing cuts. This type of program, which could be paid for with remaining funds from the 787 billion Stimulus bill would be much more effective than what is currently being done.


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