
Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Daily Political Wire 7-28-2010

George Wenschhof

Today, President Obama is on the road again -
still trying to sell a "Recovery Summer" theme with a stop in Edison, New Jersey. The "Recovery Summer" tour was meant to highlight the success of the nearly 800 billion Stimulus bill in creating jobs. With unemployment hovering at 10%, the tour is falling flat.

The president then heads to New York where he will attend fundraising event for the Democratic National Committee.


Maryland Race for Governor Tied -
Gonzales Marketing conducted a poll from July 13-21 which shows incumbent Democratic Governor Martin O'Malley ahead of former Republican Governor Robert Ehrlich 45% to 42%. A statistical tie with a margin of error of 3.5%. The Baltimore Sun has more here.

An earlier poll by Gonzales, prior to Ehrlich officially entering the race, had O'Malley up 48%-39%. A political battle sure to be reminiscent of the famous Ali-Frazier boxing matches.

So far, the Maryland Democratic Party and O'Malley campaign have focused on using a negative approach and have blasted Ehrlich with everything possible. Voters will tune in more after the kids are back in school so look for a pivot from the O'Malley team to focus on what O'Malley intends to do in the future at that time.

I predict the winner will be determined by the vote in Baltimore County. So, stay tuned to the campaign efforts that take place in that county.


Oklahoma will have First Woman Governor -
both Democrats and Republicans voted for women to be their nominee in their primaries held yesterday. Mary Fallin easily won the Republican primary and will face Democrat Jari Askins who narrowly beat Drew Edmondson by 1500 votes.


Another 37 Billion approved for Iraq and Afghanistan wars -
yesterday the House voted 308-114 with the opposition tripling since the last appropriations measure. You can read more here.

This vote comes after the recent release of intelligence data which clearly shows the foolishness of continuing these wars in the current manner. It is past time to have Congress say "No" to continued funding of these wars.

In battling al-Qaeda, the U.S. can not continue to take the approach of nation building every country where they may exist. But rather, use intelligence and rapid strike forces, when needed to reduce the threat. The painful lesson of Viet Nam should have taught the U.S. military you can not fight a convention war strategy and be successful against a non conventional enemy.


Campaign Financing Disclose Act fails in Senate - unable to break through a republican filibuster with a vote of 57-41. has more here.

This bill was in response to the controversial and narrow 5-4 Supreme Court "Citizens United" decision which opened the floodgates for corporate spending in elections. The bill had earlier barely passed the House. But, only after the bill's sponsor; Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.), watered down the bill with exemptions for groups such as the NRA.


Blagojevich Corruption trial heads to Jury -
without taking the stand, the former Illinois Governor will soon find out his fate. Charges of corruption and trying to sell the vacant Obama U.S. Senate seat will be in the hands of the jurors beginning today. has more here.


Rangel's attorneys trying to negotiate settlement with House Ethics committee -
the embattled House member Charles Rangel (D-NY) admitted to the negotiations taking place, which if successful, would avoid a public trial. has more here.

Failure to pay taxes on a home overseas, possible misuse of rent-controlled apartments, and failure to disclose assets are some of the charges facing the long term Congressman.

Democratic leadership is fearful a public trial will hurt Democrats in the upcoming mid term elections.


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