
Sunday, July 25, 2010

Daily Political Wire 7-25-2010

George Wenschhof

Yesterday, via a videotaped speech, President Obama joined House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calf.) and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) in addressing the Netroots convention meeting in Las Vegas -
he talks about the accomplishments of his administration. However, the liberal Netroots are upset over the watered down and less effective health care and wall street reform bills. In addition, energy legislation introduced tomorrow in the Senate will be less than what was wanted in regard to a reduction of carbon emissions.

Minnesota Senator Al Franken (D) delivered the keynote address. has more here.


Will Tax Cuts for the Wealthy be extended? -
Republicans want to extend the cuts for the wealthy enacted during the George W. Bush administration that are set to expire the end of the year. Democrats are divided, with the Obama administration sticking with proposing continuing tax cuts for the middle class - these cuts affected individuals making less than $200,000 and families making less than $250,000.

The NY Times examines whether this will be a campaign issue this year and beyond - here.


Rangel attorneys explore deal with House Ethics committee -
the ethics charges to be filed by the House Ethics committee against NY representative Charles Rangel will be made public on Thursday. has more here.

In an attempt to avoid a public trial, an aide has leaked discussions are ongoing pertaining to an admission by Rangel to some wrongdoing in exchange for a public admonishment or censure. If found guilty in the upcoming House trial, Rangel could face expulsion from the House.


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