
Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Daily Political Wire 7-13-2010

George Wenschhof

This morning, at the White House, President Obama and Vice President Biden will meet with over a dozen of the top Senate Democrats to discuss legislative strategy -
the Financial Reform bill, aid to states, extension of unemployment benefits, a Climate/Energy bill, the lagging economy and whether to tackle comprehensive immigration reform is sure to be on the table for discussion.

Meanwhile, a Washington Post/ABC News poll out today shows nearly 60% lack confidence in President Obama making the right decisions for the country. You can read more here.

Incumbents should continue to worry as 62% of voters are inclined to look for someone new.


Senate Judiciary Committee vote on Kagan expected to be delayed one week -
Senator Pat Leahy (D-Vt.), chair of the committee is expected to grant the request from Republicans serving on the committee. Expect Elena Kagan to win confirmation as the newest Justice to the Supreme Court by the full senate by the end of August. you can read more here.


Caution - BP Gulf oil spill clean up may be hazardous to your health -
while most of the talk has centered around the methods attempted to stop the flow of oil into the ocean and the resulting environmental and economic horror stories, little attention has been given to ensuring clean up workers are properly protected from exposure to dangerous chemicals.

Many clean up workers from the Exxon Valdez spill in Alaska are still suffering as a result of not using respirators and other protective gear. A new website has sprung up to help spread the word of the importance of protecting the clean up workers at work in the Gulf.

Check it out at


Alabama Run-Off Elections today -
six weeks after their primaries, Republican voters will choose their candidate for governor. Bradley Byrne won the primary but recent polls have Robert Bentley ahead.

In the 2nd congressional district; Martha Roby is favored over tea party activist supported Rick Barber. As always, Chris Cillizza has more here.


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