
Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Daily Political Wire 6-8-2010

George Wenschhof

This morning, President Obama appeared on NBC "Today" from an interviewed taped in Michigan yesterday with Matt Lauer -
responding to complaints he had not been angry enough in regard to the massive BP oil spill. has more and a video clip here.

A display of anger is not what is important in situations like this. Rather. it is the communication between responders and coordination of effort that is important. The tragedy of Katrina and now this horrific oil spill highlights the shortcomings of the government response effort and failures of communication between local, state and federal agencies. In the case of the current oil spill, you throw a huge private business (BP) in the mix who is primarily the only one with the expertise and equipment to handle the disaster and the coordinated response becomes even more difficult.

Much work remains to be done in the coming months to contain the spilled oil and to protect endangered wildlife and coastal areas. Let's hope the coordinated effort improves.

later this morning, President Obama will meet with seniors to discuss the health care reform act - he will also mention the $250 "donut hole" check they will be receiving soon to help with medical costs. You can read more here.


Super Tuesday has primaries unfold today in nine states today -
Chris Cizzilla and has some good observations as to what to look for today. You can read them here.

While I am pulling for Lt. Governor Bill Halter in the Democratic Arkansas run-off Senate election, I see the establishment and incumbent Blanche Lincoln winning a very close race

Candy Crowley of CNN discusses the primary highlights below.


Obama administration requests 5% reduction of budgets by government agencies -
in a move sure to receive Republican support and counter criticism prior to the mid term elections.

White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel and Budget Director Peter Orzag sent a joint letter to agency heads asking for their upcoming budgets be reduced by at least 5% and their least critical prams be identified. their 2012 budget requests are to be received by September 13. The Washington Post has more here.


Opening Statements expected today in Blagojevich corruption trial -
the former Democratic Governor of Illinois promises to say comments the press will love during his trial. His attorneys may also call White House Senior Adviser Valerie Jarrett and White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel to testify. has more here. stay tuned...


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