
Sunday, June 6, 2010

Daily Political Wire 6-6-2010

George Wenschhof

Tonight, President Obama and the First Lady will host a reception honoring Fords Theater -
afterward, they will attend a performance at the theater. Tomorrow, the president will travel to Michigan to give a high school commencement address. On Thursday, President Obama will host the families of the 11 victims of the BP Horizon Deepwater oil rig explosion.


Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to begin 4 day trip to Latin America -
tomorrow, she will head to Peru where there will be a meeting of the Organization of American States (OAS). Surely to be discussed will be the readmission of Honduras following their change in leadership by coup. Clinton will also visit Ecuador, Columbia and Barbados, You can read more here.


Senator Blanche Lincoln (D) clinging to a narrow lead as run-off election nears -
in another race featuring an establishment backed incumbent candidate (Lincoln) against a more progressive candidate (Lt. Gov. Bill Halter). Latest polls show a narrow 3-4 point lead for Lincoln.

No debates were held between the two Democrats after Lincoln failed to receive the minimum 50% of the vote and the run-off election scheduled Tuesday. Since the primary, huge ad spending has transpired with Halter, who has progressives and Labor support spending 2.7 million and Lincoln who has former President Bill Clinton's support has spent 1.1 million. has more here.


Comprehensive Immigration Reform unlikely prior to mid term elections -
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) has made it clear he wants to wrap up Financial Reform by July 4 and then move to discussion of a energy bill.

These leaves immigration reform advocates scrambling to piecemeal legislation. Two pieces which may have a chance are the "Dream Act" sponsored by Senators Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) and Richard Lugar (R-Ind.) and the Ag Jobs bill.

The first would provide a pathway to citizenship to undocumented workers who came to the U.S. when they were young and the second bill mentioned would allow undocumented farm workers to obtain temporary immigration status which could lead to becoming permanent residents. has more here.


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