
Friday, June 4, 2010

Daily Political Wire 6-4-2010

George Wenschhof

Today, President Obama returns to the Gulf coast for an update on the BP oil spill -
yesterday, BP was able to "cut and cap" the leak. However, the amount of oil being captured won't be known until around the time of the president's visit. BP statements say that even with a successful operation, some oil will continue to leak until the relief wells are in place sometime in August. AP has more here.

To date, statements by President Obama to the press appear focused on holding BP to blame and creating a commission to investigate what went wrong. In addition. Attorney General Eric Holder has begun an investigation of any criminal or civil wrongdoing.

What is needed now is for the president to lay out what is being done and will be done to avoid what may be the largest ecological disaster in the United States. A BP announcement today that the "cut and cap" procedure had resulted in a significant reduction in the flow of oil into the ocean would be a giant step. However, spelling out the current and future steps that will be taken to protect wetlands, wildlife and the coastal areas of affected states is what the president needs to spell out today.


Senate majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) calls for comprehensive energy reform -
obviously, hopeful of riding the current anger directed by voters at BP. Reid sent a letter to senate committee chairs asking for comprehensive energy reform legislation by July 4. In the letter Reid also stated he wanted stiffer penalties for oil companies whose actions results in environmental damage.

This is not good news for the climate bill co-sponsored by Senators Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) and John Kerry (D-Mass.). It now appears their bill will not advance for discussion or a vote. You can read more here.


Government census hiring reduces unemployment to 9.7% -
of the 431,000 jobs added in May, 411,000 were temporary government census positions. President Obama and Vice President Obama will tour a truck dealership this morning in nearby Hyattsville, Maryland and afterward, make remarks on the economy. has more here.


Another aid ship heads to the Gaza Strip -
just days after an Israeli raid on a aid ship headed to Gaza, another one will be in territorial waters sometime today. Israel Prime Minister has instructed his military to stop the ship, but to use restraint after the last raid resulted in the deaths of nine activists; including one American.

Yesterday, I called for the institution of UN inspections of aid ships to Gaza so humanitarian supplies could be delivered to those in need in a peaceful manner.

Quoting Israeli officials, NBC News reported that Netanyahu is now considering ways to "soften the embargo" by allowing U.N. or other international inspections of future cargo being sent to Gaza. "There might be a reassessment of a better way to handle this over the next couple of weeks," an official said. has more here.

Why it takes so long to come to logical and reasonable solutions to these issues is yet another example of how tough the ongoing peace negotiations are between Israel and Palestine.


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