
Friday, June 18, 2010

Daily Political Wire 6-18-2010

George Wenschhof

President Obama travels to Columbus, Ohio today -
as I reported earlier, the president will begin a "Recovery Summer" six week tour to highlight the effects of the 800 Billion Stimulus bill. Today, in Columbus, they will celebrate the groundbreaking of the 10,000th roads project funded through the bill. has more here.

As I have also said earlier, the Obama administration and Democrats facing mid term elections in the fall also need the unemployment numbers to drop.


BP Escrow fund administrator to meet with Gulf state Governors -
Kenneth Feinberg will first meet today with the Governors of Mississippi and Louisiana. On Tuesday, he will meet with the Governors of Florida and Alabama. Feinberg will be the independent administrator of the disbursement of the 20 Billion Escrow account BP will set up to handle claims. The NY Times has more here.


Republican comments aid public perception view of Obama's handling of the BP oil spill crisis -
just when Republicans were benefiting with the perception by the public on the president's actions following what will be the largest environmental disaster to ever hit the nation. has more here.

Following the president's address to the nation on the oil spill and the announcement by BP chairman a 20 Billion escrow would be established and administered by a independent third party, Congress began hearings on the spill.

Republican Representative Joe Barton (R-Tex.) began his questioning with an apology to BP and saying what Obama did was the same as a "shake down". Hardly a position the voters feel at this moment and Barton's statement showed little empathy for the working men and women whose lives depend on the Gulf.

In a matter of minutes, Representative Barton took the eyes of the voters from questioning Obama's response to the spill to wondering why Republicans just don't get it.


Cap and Trade climate provisions make not make it in Energy bill being drafted -
moderate and liberal Democrats continue to battle each other as they have in the passing of the Stimulus bill, health care and now financial reform.

At issue is the requirement of a reduction of carbon emissions which is included in legislation submitted by Senators John Kerry (D-Mass.) and Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.). has more here.


South Carolina win by Alvin Greene upheld by state Democratic Party -
Vic Rawl and his campaign appealed his embarrassing double digit primary loss to a candidate who raised no money and did not campaign for the U.S. Senate seat.

The state party said they were not given sufficient information or proof of wrong doing for them to overturn the election results and hold another election. has more here.

Alvin Greene will now face Republican incumbent Jim Demint in the fall General Election.


Afghanistan prepares to open bidding on mineral deposits valued at 3 Trillion -
the NY Times earlier reported on the huge deposits of valuable minerals that have been discovered in the country. has more here.

The first bidding will be on iron ore deposits. Afghanistan has one of the most underdeveloped economies in the world with the growth of poppy the main agricultural crop. Poppy is the number one export and is used to make heroin.


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