
Thursday, June 17, 2010

Daily Political Wire 6-17-2010

George Wenschhof

Yesterday, Maryland Governor Martin O'Malley (D) made it official and filed for reelection -
he was joined by enthusiastic supporters as he and Lt. Governor Antony Brown walked from Maryland Democratic Party headquarters to the Elections office. Prior to heading inside to sign the necessary paperwork, he gave a short speech to the supporters on the importance of moving Maryland forward. The Baltimore Sun has more here.

He and Lt. Governor Anthony Brown were introduced by the chair of the Maryland Democratic Party Susan Turnbull. Earlier in the day, Ms. Turnbull was my guest on the premier of my new video political talk show "All Things Political with George Wenschhof". The taped show will air here on my website within the next couple of days. So, check back and tune in!


BP agrees to 20 Billion Escrow Fund -
after meeting with President Obama yesterday, BP chairman Carl-Henric Svanberg announced the creation of the fund. It was also announced that it would be headed by Kenneth Feinberg, who managed the 9/11 compensation claims fund. Unfortunately, Svansberg when making his announcement, used the phrase "BP wanted to help the small people" - a phrase not likely to go over well. has more here.


Today, President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden kick off "Recovery Summer" -
a six week push to highlight the jobs created through the Stimulus bill. The president or an administration official will travel to two dozen locations. Tomorrow, Obama will be in Columbus, Ohio for the groundbreaking of the 10,000 Recovery Act roads project. has more here.

This is a good move to pivot away from the ongoing problems associated with the oil spill in the Gulf. However, what is needed to get voters attention that the program is working is a reduction in the unemployment rate over the next six weeks.

AP is reporting unemployment claims rose by 12,000 last week after three weeks in decline which is not a good sign as we enter summer when seasonal job opportunities typically reduce unemployment claims. You can read more here.


South Carolina Democratic Party to hear complaint on Alvin Greene's primary win today -
Vic Rawl, his Democratic opponent for U.S. Senate will present his case today. The state Elections Commissions said it will not investigate the vote. The Democratic Party could decide to hold a new election. Greene raised no cash, did not campaign and won easily over Rawl who campaign across the state. The Democratic nominee will face incumbent Republican Jim Demint. has more here.


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