
Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Daily Political Wire 6-16-2010

George Wenschhof

President Obama has a full schedule of meetings today, beginning with BP Executives -
sure to be discussed is the creation of an Escrow account to handle damages arising from the oil spill and the amount BP is willing to put in it. Also, look to see if BP agrees to allowing an independent commission award damages to claims.


AP/GfK poll released today shows voters want Democrats in control of Congress -
46% to 39% for Republicans. This is good news for Democrats heading into an off year mid term election. Voters also trusted Democrats more on the economy 47% - 42%. You can read more of the poll results here.


Financial Reform bill lobbied hard while in conference committee -
Conference committee chair Barney Frank (D-Mass.) has his hands full as reconciliation between the House and Senate bills gets underway.

In addition, a group of 69 House centrist Democrats are trying to remove entirely Senator Blanche Lincoln's tough provisions on Banks trading in derivatives. has more here.


Arizona not finished with Immigration laws -
the latest is a law proposed by state senator Russell Pierce which would deny U.S. citizenship to babies born to undocumented workers. has more here.

All the more reason for Congress to act on comprehensive immigration reform as soon as possible. individual states enacting a series of potentially different laws is not the answer to this issue.


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