
Sunday, June 13, 2010

Daily Political Wire 6-13-2010

George Wenschhof

President Obama to call on BP to establish Escrow Account -
to pay for damages, cleanup and lost wages resulting from their oil spill in the Gulf. It is being reported the president will make this request when he meets with BP chairman Carl-Henric Svanberg this week at the White House. You can read more here. is reporting President Obama will demand a third party panel be put in place to handle damage claims. You can read more here.

New British Prime Minister David Cameron will come to the U.S. to meet with President Obama on July 20. Concerns that a anti-Britain sentiment will develop in the U.S. as a result of the BP oil spill were one of the topics discussed in a phone call yesterday between the two leaders. has more here.


Yesterday, the U.S. Coast Guard gave BP 48 hour notice to speed up siphoning capacity at their Deepwater Horizon oil spill -
This comes after BP said it would take up to a month to position a new oil rig on site to capture up to 25,000 barrels of oil a day.

Currently, BP is siphoning 15,000 barrels a day. The latest government estimates are 40,000 barrels a day continue to flow into the Gulf. You can read more here.

This continues the craziness that has transpired since apparent negligence on the part of BP led to the explosion that cost the lives of 11 men and has led to the largest U.S. oil spill, endangering wetlands, wildlife and coastal areas. Last week, BP said it could not increase siphoning the oil due to they only had one tanker on site - simply amazing.......


Obama meets Congressional resistance to request for 50 Billion aid to states and local government -
the request is to help prevent the lay-offs of teachers, police and firefighters. However, even Democrats are questioning the request for additional funds. has more here.

Money is still left in the 800 billion Stimulus bill which was passed early last year. I, for one, question why federally funded work experience programs were not instituted with the Stimulus bill funds which could have been used to fund the local and state positions that are facing lay-offs.

The U.S. has been facing the largest unemployment levels in decades and the government to date, has not funded any direct employment programs - a travesty.


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