
Thursday, April 8, 2010

Daily Political Wire 4-8-2010

George Wenschhof

Already today in Prague, President Barack Obama and Russian President Dmitri Medvedev have signed the nuclear arms reduction treaty -
the treaty, which will need to be ratified by Congress, reduces the number of nuclear strategic warheads held by each country by 25% to 1550. Also the number of air, land and sea launchers by each country have been cut in half to 800. The NY Times has more here.

This is a huge and needed agreement that builds upon the 1991 START agreement.
While some Republicans may grumble as would be expected by now from the "Party of No", expect this treaty to be ratified by Congress.


Arlen Specter looking good in Democratic primary in Pennsylvania -
a new Quinnipiac University poll has him up over his Democratic challenger Representative Joe Sestak 53-32. You can read more on the poll results here.
Senator Specter, you may recall, was a long term Republican Senator who switched to Democrat after receiving heat from the GOP for voting for the Stimulus bill. Meanwhile, Republican Pat Toomey has the lead over Specter 48-41 in an early poll.

Specter received assurances from the Democratic Party and the president that they would support him over any Democratic challenger in the primary. With only six weeks to go before the primary, it looks doubtful for Sestak, but I for one, am rooting for him.


Representative Bart Stupak (D-Mich.) weighs re-election bid -
he gained the spotlight when he lobbied to be sure the Health Care Reform bill did not include any federal funding for abortions. He and his gang of 6-8 fellow Democratic representatives ultimately voted for the bill after receiving assurances from President Obama that he would sign an executive order to that affect.

Reportedly, both House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calf.) and House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer have spoken to Stupak and encouraged him to run for a tenth term. has more here.


The Southern Republican Leadership Conference kicks off tonight -
it's not hard to understand why Republicans are having problems with voters identifying with their political party when one looks at the potential 2012 presidential candidates and other speakers who will be on hand over the next three days in New Orleans.

Tonight, speakers include retread Newt Gingrich, Mary Matalin and Liz Cheney. Tomorrow, the speakers will included Sarah Palin, Bobby Jindal, Rick Perry and J.C. Watts. Saturday, when they conduct their straw poll for 2012 presidential candidate, the speakers will be mike pence, Rick Santorum, Haley Barbour, Ron Paul and Michael Steele.

Due to previous commitments, Tim Pawlenty and Mitt Romney were unable to attend.

RNC chair Michael Steele has been under fire for his extravagant spending on himself and the authorization of reimbursement of nearly $2,000 spent by a GOP consultant at a "Bondage theme" nightclub. Not to worry though, Sarah Palin has come to his defense. You can read more here.

But then, wasn't it Sarah Palin who questionably spent over $150,000 of RNC funds on clothes during her time on the Republican presidential ticket with John McCain?

The lavish spending on themselves by Republican candidates and officials is hardly something the working man and woman who is struggling to make ends work, understands.

Out of all the Republican hopefuls speaking over the next three days, only Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour has the potential to catch on nationwide as a serious presidential candidate. Keep an eye on him.


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