
Monday, April 12, 2010

Daily Political Wire 4-12-2010

George Wenschhof

President Barack Obama and the U.S. host Nuclear Summit -
over the next two days leaders from 47 nations will convene to discuss nuclear arms and the future. President Obama will conduct many one on one meetings with various Heads of State, including Pakistan and India. The NY Times has more here.

Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced he would not attend but will send high level diplomats instead. while some have taken this as a feud with Obama and the U.S., the actual reason is he did not want to have to address forthcoming questions from other countries in the Middle East concerning the nuclear capability of Israel.


Extension of Unemployment benefits vote to hit senate floor today -
back from a two week recess, Senators are faced with extending benefits that have expired for the unemployed due to a Republican filibuster prior to the recess. The Washington Post has more here.

Republicans want cuts elsewhere to offset the estimated 9 billion cost. Democrats will need at least one Republican to reach 60 which would then allow an up or down vote.


Three Senators plan to submit Climate bill next week -
an interesting trio of Senators; John Kerry (D-Mass.), Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), and Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) will unveil their bipartisan bill. They plan to announce the bill prior to Earth day on April 22. The controversial "Cap and Trade" portion of the bill has been renamed and new limits imposed. has more here.

This bill along with financial reform and immigration reform will surely ignite and further flame the current bi-partisan divide in Congress. Howeevr, all three are needed, so let's hope for cooperation and passage.


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