
Sunday, March 21, 2010

Health Care Reform Update 3-21-2010

George Wenschhof

Yesterday, President Obama visited the House Democrats on the Hill on the eve of the historic vote on health care reform. He concluded with "We're Going to Get This Done".

Today, is the day health care reform will finally pass -
the House vote is likely to take place around 3:00 PM ET and we will post the results of the vote. Jon Larson (D-Conn.), who is the House Democratic caucus leader, said today on ABC "This Week", "We have the votes". has more here.

Yet, House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.), appearing on NBC "Meet The Press" this morning, tells David Gregory we're not there yet. However, Hoyer believes they will receive the 216 votes needed to pass the bill. has more
here. has the whip count at 210 this morning for Democrats.

I hope that is true as our country has gone too long being the only industrialized nation without a form of national health care. More needs to be done to make the bill better in the future, including the inclusion of the "public option", but this is a great start and a basis to build upon.

If, this passes today in the House, Democrats can be proud their Representatives did not shrink from doing what was right, in spite of the bombardment of misinformation and outright lies from many Republicans.

The NY Times is reporting today that Democrats have 207 "Yes" votes for certain and 28 "No" votes for certain, leaving 18 Democrats still on the fence. 9 of the 18 fence sitters will need to vote "Yes" for the bill to pass with the 216 vote minimum number needed. The NY Times has more

Also yesterday, House Democratic leadership decided against using the "Slaughter rule" know as "Deem and Pass" and there will be an up or down vote. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calf.) also said no to any side votes to appease Bart Stupak (D-Mich) who has argued against existing abortion language in the Senate bill. Stupak cancelled a news conference he had scheduled for 11:00 AM yesterday. has more

Under consideration to help appease Rep. Stupak and what appears to be another 5-6 votes would be the president issuing an executive order reaffirming the Hyde amendment which says no federal monies would be used to fund abortions.


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