
Friday, March 26, 2010

Daily Political Wire 3-26-2010

George Wenschhof

President Obama fires up crowd in Iowa City, Iowa -
he gave a resounding speech on the benefits of the health care reform bill he had signed into law. He referenced the Republicans promise to work to repeal the law and said "let them go for it".

The president is right; are Republicans going to campaign on repealing that an insurance company can not drop your coverage for a pre-existing condition? Or, how about dropping the coverage for your kids in college which the bill allows you to keep on your coverage until they are 26.

Recent polling data is already showing the voter is in favor of these health care changes and as more of the Republican myths are exposed and the health care changes go into effect, the voters will overwhelmingly support it.

The Republican failed strategy of "No" has exposed them as not having the best interests of Americans in mind. Instead, they should be striving to help the country emerge from the most difficult economic times since the 1930's and help move the country forward.

Charlie Cook of the Cook Political report is sticking to a prediction that mirrors the average mid term election gain of 25-35 seats in the House for the political party not in the White House. Part of his analysis are the gains through the health care reform bill will offset the Republican myth effort. This will not be enough for Republicans to regain control of the House.

However, it would even out the House and perhaps this would be a good thing as the political parties would have to work together to move legislation.

Tonight, President Obama is off to Camp David, the presidential retreat located in the catoctin mountains near Thurmont, Maryland.


Health bill amendments pass Senate and House -
after defeating over 40 ridiculous amendments offered by Republicans, the senate approved the house amendments with a 56-43 vote. The only Democrats to vote against were Senators Blanche Lincoln and Mark Pryor of Arkansas along with Ben Nelson (Neb.).

The parliamentarian did find two technical and minor issues which needed to be addressed concerning an educational component of this bill dealing with some calculations pertaining to the issuance of Pell grants. The Senate passed bill then went to the House and received a 220 - 207 vote which now goes to the president for signature.


Unemployment 30 day extension stalls in Senate -
once again, funding for a myriad of programs is being held up by Republicans. This happened recently when Senator Bunning (R-Ky.) filibustered the last extension. if agreement between the House and Senate is not reached today, funding would stop until Congress returns after a two week Easter recess. Programs affected would be unemployment benefits, COBRA benefits for the unemployed, federal funding for highways, and reimbursement fees to doctors serving Medicare patients. has more here.


Obama expected to announce new program to help Homeowners facing foreclosure -
today, the details of a 14 billion program paid for from funds form the Troubled Assets Relief Program (TARP). Anticipated elements of the bill include refinancing of millions of current troubled mortgages into government back mortgages with lower payments. The NY Times has more here.


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