
Monday, March 1, 2010

Daily Democratic Wire 3-1-2010

George Wenschhof

Yesterday, President Obama had his annual physical
and is doing great - he still has not totally kicked the smoking habit and is reportedly chewing nicotine gum to help.

His cholesterol was up slightly and he was recommended to change his diet. The NY Times has more


Arkansas Democratic Senator Blanche Lincoln will face primary challenge -
she has long been considered one of the more vulnerable Democratic senators up fpr reelection this year. Bill Halter who is the Lt. Governor announced he would be running for the seat. It has long been rumored that Democratic leaders had not wanted Lincoln to run for reelection. Now, we will see what she decides to do. has more here.


Jobs bill denied passage in Senate by Republican Jim Bunning (Ky.) -
his filibuster after many senators had left town Friday, has caused the delay of unemployment compensation extension to many out of work Americans. The bill is expected to pass this week. has more here.

In addition, his action has caused 2000 Federal Transportation workers to be furloughed today. has more here.

His action was due to his dissatisfaction with the passage of the 15 Billion instead of the 85 Billion bloated bipartisan Jobs bill. Bunning was a great major league pitcher in his time but he has been a loony bird in the senate for some time now. Thankfully, he will not be running for reelection.


Another Republican Congressman announces he is resigning -
this time it is Nathan Deal (Ga.) who wants to run for Governor and would be one of seven Republicans vying for that position. His resignation will be effective March 8. You can read more here.

The vote in the house for health care reform will happen after march 8 and before the seat is filled meaning that is one less no vote.


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