
Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Daily Democratic Wire 2-10-2010

George Wenschhof

Snowmagedden II hits the upper northeast - as I look out my window as I am typing this, it is a complete whiteout condition outside
the advise is for everyone in the area to stay home and I fully agree! The additional projected 20 inches of snow on top of the 30 inches we just were hit with will make the dig out that much more difficult. After all, where do you put all this snow? My electricity went out for three hours during the last storm and I am concerned with the high winds there could be a repeat. Hopefully not, as most of us do not have any backup for heat. Stay tuned.


Last night, after one postponement due to snow, the White House hosted a concert; "a Celebration of Music from the Civil Rights Movement" -
Many notables were present, including Bob Dylan, Joan Baez, Natalie Cole and Morgan Freeman. The Chicago Tribune "The Swamp" blog has more here.


Yesterday, President Obama met with Democratic and Republican Congressional leaders to discuss health care reform -
the President emerged from the meeting to say he was optimistic for progress to be made in the televised February 25 bipartisan health care summit. Meanwhile, Senator Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and House minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) said they wanted the existing passed health care bills scrapped.

Perhaps, it is precisely that type of action or rather, inaction by Republicans that now have
60% saying Republicans not doing enough to compromise with President Obama. A new poll conducted by the Washington Post/ABC News from Feb. 4-8, also shows 63% want Congress to move forward on health care reform. The Washington Post has more here.


Republicans continue Obstructionist ways -
President Obama nominee, Craig Becker, a labor lawyer received a 52-33 cloture vote required by Republican filibuster and therefore will be unable to assume his job with the National Labor Relations Board. When a minority of 33 can stop an appointment, there is certainly problems with the system. What the Obama administration will be forced to do is to place the President's nominees in their jobs during next week's recess. As the above poll indicates, voters are tiring of the ridiculous actions by Republicans. The NY Times has more here.


Last night, First Lady Michelle Obama appeared on CNN Larry King Live and said "doing nothing is not an option" on health care reform.


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