
Monday, January 25, 2010

Daily Democratic Wire 1-25-2010

George Wenschhof

Today, President Obama will meet with Vice President Joe Biden and his Middle Class Task Force -
they will be discussing measures to put forward to help working families such as tax credits for day care services. The NY Times has more here.

I wrote about the need for this in my column
"Women Leading the Charge for Workplace Changes" published in the business magazine 270inc. It is anticipated the President will include these initiatives aimed at helping the middle class in his State of The Union address on Wednesday.


Another Democratic Congressman retires -
Arkansas Rep. Marion Berry announced he would not be running for reelection to the House. has more here.

Before anyone starts getting excited, there have been more Republican Representatives (12) than Democrats (10) announce they are not running in the upcoming mid term election. The latest numbers I heard from a reliable source is there are 58 seats out of 435 that are vulnerable and that is a total from both sides of the aisle. Republicans need to pick up 40 seats in November to reach a one seat advantage in the 435 member House.


So where does health care reform stand? -
good question as President Obama attempts to pivot away from his signature bill to discuss jobs and the economy. Meanwhile, the sausage making on the Hill has left a unsavory bill for consideration. takes a look at some of the options Democrats could pursue to salvage health care reform. You can read it here.


Ambitious Obama Agenda encounters the Republican Party of "No" - has more here.

While the much needed S-Chip children's health bill was passed, a stimulus bill that averted a economic meltdown was passed and equal pay for women act was passed, the Republican obstructionism has stalled health care reform and threatens the passage of a climate bill and most likely much needed discussion and action on immigration reforms will not be brought up this year. In the yet to be held mid terms in November, voters could easily say they are tired of incumbents; showing as many Republicans as Democrats the door.


Supreme Court decision on campaign financing last week could open the door for foreign money in campaigns
- I am still having a problem seeing how five members of the Supreme Court could rule a corporation has the same rights as an individual when it comes to freedom of speech issues. Corporations are a business entity and not an individual and as such, many have foreign investors. Did the Supreme court really want to allow foreign governments influence in U.S. elections? You can read more here.


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