
Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Daily Democratic Wire 1-20-2010

George Wenschhof

Today, marks the one year anniversary of the inauguration of Barack Obama as President -
he inherited leadership of a country on the verge of economic collapse and one that was fighting two wars. The wonderment of the first African American President has faded and the harsh realities of day to day governing with political bickering has taken over.

The 787 billion Stimulus program to save and create jobs is immense and confusing and we will never know it's impact on avoiding the economic collapse of our country. However, with unemployment remaining at 10%, voters are not happy.

While withdraw from Iraq is scheduled to begin this year, a buildup of conventional forces in Afghanistan has taken place under the Obama administration. The U.S. military approach to fighting terrorism reminds me of the British battalions marching in straight lines and formation through American cornfields while colonists hid behind trees and picked them off.

A build up of intelligence gathering and mobile special forces capability makes much more sense than conventional nation building in countries where this effort is destined to fail.

The loss of the Senate seat in Massachusetts yesterday to Republicans, will surely impact the passage of health care reform. An effort already botched, as voters never understood the convoluted and immense bill. Furthermore, they saw the crazy demands of hold out Senators which were granted by the Obama administration.

Nonetheless, the promise of hope and a new direction is still there with President Obama. Let's hope "Yes We Can!
" becomes reality and not left behind as a campaign slogan.


Erroll Southers Withdraws as TSA Administrator -
his appointment had been held up in the Senate by Republican Senator Jim DeMint who was afraid he would allow employees of the Transportation Security Administration collective bargaining rights. ABC News has more here.


6.1 level Aftershock Tremor hits Haiti -
the center was about 35 miles from Port-Au-Prince but caused little additional damage as most buildings had already collapsed. The NY Times has more here.


Vice President Joe Biden and senior Democrats on the Hill reach agreement on increase in debt ceiling -
as part of the deal to increase the national debt ceiling, a fiscal commission will be created by executive order which will offer ways to reduce the national debt. in addition, the senate is expected to pass "pay-as-you-go" legislation similar to what the House has already passed. has more here.


In case you missed them, some highlights from the late night shows last night.


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