
Monday, January 18, 2010

Daily Democratic Wire 1-18-2010

George Wenschhof

Today, President Barack Obama will host a small group of Seniors and their grandchildren at the White House -
in honor of Martin Luther King Day, they will discuss the history of the civil rights movement. Tonight, the President will make remarks at the "Let Freedom Ring" concert at the Kennedy Center.


Last night, the Democratic Party sent out an email with a link to a Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.) video on Dr. Martin Luther King -
Rep. Lewis was with King during the March on Washington over 40 years ago.


Is Massachusetts special election tomorrow a glimpse into how mid term elections will tilt in November?
Maybe, but most likely not. There is too much time prior to November where all sorts of events can take place which will affect voters. Yet, this contest is critical to the Obama agenda and health care reform so the outcome of the election tomorrow, could have legs and impact dramatically the November Elections..

Already, the partisan divide is being highlighted with silliness being plotted from the sidelines. Democrats are wondering how they quickly vote on the health care vote securing Mass. Senator Paul Kirk's vote and passage or whether to go to reconciliation to pass the legislation.

Republicans are threatening to sue to block any vote by Sen. Kirk if Brown wins Tuesday, even before the official swearing in. has more

An interesting tidbit - this Mass. U.S. Senate seat has been held by a Democrat since 1952 when John F. Kennedy defeated Henry Cabot Lodge Jr. - The other U.S. Senate seat in Mass. was last held by a Republican (Edward Brooke) from 1967-1979.

Public Policy Polling last poll shows Republican Scott Brown up 51-46 over Democrat Martha Coakley. You can read their poll results
here. Brown is winning Independents. However, Trends are showing an uptick in interests by Democrats. If Democrats turn out tomorrow to vote, Coakley will squeak by.

I will be following throughout the day tomorrow and will bring you information as i receive it.


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