
Friday, January 15, 2010

Daily Democratic Wire 1-15-2010

George Wenschhof

Former Secretary of State Colin Powell says he is impressed with the Obama administration response to the earthquake in Haiti -
He says he will also help if asked and was pleased to see President Obama ask former Presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush to help in what will likely be years of reconstruction. has more here.


Remembering our own disaster, Vice President Joe Biden heads to south Louisiana today -
He will be joined by Governor Bobby Jindal and New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin as he discusses plans by the Obama administration to help post Katrina communities. The Shreveport Times has more here.


Health care reform inches forward -
Congressional and Union Leaders reached agreement yesterday on the so called Cadillac tax. The NY Times has more here.


Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) says there is time to bring up the Climate bill this year -
probably sensing the votes to approve will not be there after the mid term elections at the end of the year, he intends to push for passage this year. has more here.


Coakley v. Brown in Massachusetts a battle of epic proportions -
never ending amounts of money is being poured into this race by both Republicans and Democrats as they realize this one seat could determine the outcome of health care reform. In addition, if won by the Republican Scott brown, this would serve as a huge rallying cry for Republicans for the mid term elections. Recent polls show a toss up. Stay tuned... has more here.


In the Maryland Governor race, the Maryland Democratic Party (MDP) sent out a release yesterday saying they had 903,000 cash on hand -
Susan Turnbull,chair of the MDP is determined to help the Maryland Governor, seven Congressmen and Senator up for election retain their positions in the mid term election. Democrat Governor Martin O'Malley is reporting 5.72 million cash on hand. Just recently, former state delegate George Owings announced a challenge to O'Malley in the Democratic primary. To date, no Republican has announced for Governor. The rumored suspects are former Maryland Governor Bob Ehrlich, Larry Hogan and E.J. Pipkin.


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